Rapunzel dresses

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I woke up to the sun beaming into my room and my alarm clock going wild. Ah how I love the mornings. Note the sarcasm. After about 10 to 30 minutes of stalking people on instagram, like any normal person would, I finally rolled out of bed and when I say I rolled out of bed I quite literally mean I rolled out of bed...as in I wrapped the blanket around my body and fell off the bed since I'm too tired to actually get up.

Today I actually managed to find a hoodie without a stain on it that I think has been washed, im not really sure anymore I lost track... everything ends up on my floor anyway so what's the point of bothering.

Grabbing my keys i left the house taking my white 2016 lexus that i got as a gift for my 18th birthday from my dad. For a small car it does the job. I managed to park and make it inside today with 3 minuets to spare, see im improving.

"SO HOW ABOUT WE ALL go out today. I've got nothing to do and we have free periods next, its not like we will be missed by anyone " bri piped up in the middle of lunch. To be honest if we did stay we wouldn't get anything done, it would just be a waste of our time. Plus I know that if I go home ill fall asleep straight away; Its not my fault I have nothing to do.

"i'll come" I replied while shoving the remains of my cold sandwich into my mouth. This school seriously needs to step their food game the fuck up. I'm tiered of eating cold soggy sandwiches.

"well id love to come but the last time we went shopping you both know what happened" paige mentioned, purposely looking at me with a glare. This little b-

"It wont happen again" I promised knowing that it probably will. Its not like I go out and plan in advance to get kicked out of shops...it just happens, I'm an energetic girl what can I say. It's like you cant plan when you need to take a shit and I can plan when Im going to get kicked out of shops.

"you said that last time" Paige muttered while rolling her eyes playfully.

"no I didn-" before I could finish my sentence paiges younger brother came up to our table and disturbed us by asking his sister for help with homework. bri just nodded at me as if to say that I did say 'it wont happen again' last time, ok so I probably will but these people need to give me a chance.

BRIANA DRAGGED ME FROM STORE to store buying almost all of their stock. I would usually join in on the fun of spending money on unnecessary items that I probably wont use but I already have bags full of new clothes at home that I haven't touched since I bought them. It's all fun and games until you go home and check your bank account balance.

She was already struggling to carry all of her bags but knowing Bri she wasn't going to be finished any time soon. she takes the phrase 'shop till you drop' quite literally.

The mall was thankfully pretty much empty since everyone was either still at school or work. This was a huge relief since despite the few odd looks we got from a few families there weren't many people to judge the fact that Bri was running from store to store like a mad woman.

As we walked into forever 21 I felt a sharp pain come from the side of my hip. Immediately I winced and turned around to face Bri who just laughed at my reaction. Not even a second later her hand was over my mouth as if she knew I was about to scream at her. In response I kicked her knee causing her to release me.
"WHAT THE F-" I started to shout but soon stopped myself as I saw a group of, might I say, rather fine looking pieces of meat staring at me from a few meters away smirking.
"Shut the fuck up ki, don't embarrass yourself in front of your future boyfriend" BrI whisper shouted at me, still hunched over from my kick.

Future what?! "Oh yeah because with a brother like mine I'm totally gonna have a boyfriend at this age" I rolled my eyes as I started to walk away from her, hoping she would follow me. And a few seconds later I could hear the sound of her bags hitting against each other as she speed walked to catch up with me. "Oh my fucking god, come onnnnnn forget your brother" FORGET MY BROTHER?! Yeah it's a little hard when you're constantly reminded of the fact that you have to stay a virgin until the age of 70. "Okay but either way have you seen me...I'm sure that their type wouldn't be someone who wears her older brothers oversized hoodies with stains on them and puts their hair up in a messy bun" by messy bun I literally mean messy bun, like not the cute kinda messy bun but instead the one that makes you look like a homeless mad man who hasn't showered in months.
"You're no fu-" she started "WE HAVENT EVEN GONE TO THE FUCKING DISNEY STORE YET" I interrupted her to change the subject. I quickly ran ahead of her knowing she wouldn't be able to catch up since she's quite literally got her hands full.

"I CANT BELIEVE THEY KICKED ME OUT" I shouted at bri from outside as she walked past the security guard who, quite rudely, dragged me out here. "Kiara lets be honest, when aren't you kicked out of a shop, what were you expecting" she said while looking down at the floor laughing. "YOU RAN AROUND THE FUCKING STORE SCREAMING IN A RAPUNZEL DRESS" she shouted out between laughs.

"yeah well in my defence I was actually going to buy the dress...IF THEY GAVE ME THE CHANCE TO" I shouted towards the door where the security guard was standing, resulting in me getting slapped across the forehead by Bri. "yeah and let me guess, you were gonna buy the wig too" bri said while dragging me towards the car. "of course I was, how did you know"

BY THE TIME I GOT home everyone was already asleep and it was dark out.

--UNEDITED--- ( I would recommend waiting until ive edited as the spelling mistakes and grammar errors are hideous...plus its pretty cringe and uhhh I need to rewrite quite a lot of it) xx


"yeah"~kiara "were going out tomorrow for food I need to talk to u and max"~dad

"what why whats wrong"~kiara "nothing ill explain everything tomorrow"~dad

how does he expect me to sleep now. "go to sleep"~dad "its like 8 dad "~kiara "well then do something go on Netflix"~dad

dad sounded serious but I decided to ignore it. i got my phone out and started watching random youtube videos . it started of with music videos then reaction videos then makeup videos then shane dawson then cat videos and im now some how watching children's nursery rhyme videos....don't judge me

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