Meet haze

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I decided to sleep over at kellys house after begging my dad a thousand times he finally said yes. I had just woke up from my long needed sleep. I rubbed my eyes and glanced around the room. Kelly was no where to be found... i done the usual by grabbing my phone and screaming out loud at how bright my screen was. Once my eyes adjusted i checked the time.
SHIT! The party is in like 5 hours! Why did no one wake me up. After 30 minuets of Scrolling through all my social media pages and checking for any new updates i decided to finally get out of bed. I got up and threw on some denim shorts and a yellow crop top with a long white cardigan that stopped just below my thigh. Sleepily, i made my way down stairs to be greeted by streamers, alcohol, balloons ,and cups .
"Morning hun, the food is gonna arrive at like 5 so it aint to cold. Also we need to go out quickly to pick up one of my friends Haze "~kelly
"Oh ok sure, when r we picking hime up?"~kiara
"Now bish so u best go eat breakfast now. I made that i mean i took it out the freezer and cooked it~kelly
"Pizza for breakfast?"~kiara
"Nah i had pancakes for breakfast but ur fat ass wouldnt wake up so now we are having lunch "~kelly
****in the car****
Kelly and i had left straight after i aate the pizza. We were now in the car on the way to pick up her friend haze.
"Ight were here"~Kelly

We pulled up to a medium/large house. The drive was a average size and there was a little patch if grass with some bright flowers planted in it. Kelly beeped the horn and out came a tall masculine male.
His raven dark hair compliment his light skin. As he jogged towards us his wavy hair bounced up and down. As soon as he reached the car he went straight to kellys window which was now down.

"Calm ur nuts kelly are u trying to get the neighbors to call the police again"~haze

"Last time was your fault"~Kelly said as she rolled her eyes.


He then looked over to me . Just now
did i notice his vibrant green eyes as they stared into my plain blue ones.

"Guys stop drooling over each other and haze get your butt in ma car before i leave without you"~kelly
He walked over and got into the back of the car as kelly reversed out of the drive.
"Soo whats ur name angel"~haze
I turned around to see if he was talking to me and found his eyes glued on me.
"Kiara" i said with a large smile
"Haze" he grinned back.
He then put his large masculine hand out for me to shake so i gave him
my smaller one and shook it .
His hand was much larger than mine. The only problem was my hand didnt feel right in his where as when im holding Jonah's it feels like they were made for each other.

"So how do you two know each other... kelly you have never introduced us before"~haze
"Yh we meet like a few days were friends"~kelly
"Shit i need to get petrol."~Kelly
"Do ya need cash"~haze
"Nahh"~kelly she then parked the car and hopped out to fill it up.
"Soooo"~haze i turned around so i was facing him.he was wearing back ripped jeans and a black top with little blue diamonds on.
"How old are you?"~haze
"Im 18 , u?"~kiara
"19, turning 20 in a few months"~haze

"Ohh cool"~kiara
"Wanna grab lunch or sumin one day?"~haze
"Yeah sure here ill give u my number"~kiara
He then handed me his phone and i put my number in.
With perfect timing kelly hopped into the car with 3 bags full of stuff. Haze and i stared at her with our jaws down.
"What?....i bought both of u chocolate and more chocolate and some sweets and crisps and then i picked up a few snacks for da party"~kelly

Ima continue the rest next chapter cuz i dont want this one to be later then 4 days as I promised u lot xxx

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