Kitchen table

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I got out of the bathroom and walked into the room i was in before. There was a long t-shirt sitting there and a pair of jeans. The t-shirt was jonahs but the jeans belonged to a female. None the less i still put them both on. Why would jonah have female jeans unless he has some kind of weird fetish with wearing womens jeans.......probably.
I went back into the kitchen to find Jonah sitting down on the sofa. He had changed his clothes and was now wearing a creme top with black ripped jeans and a denim jacket.
I walked over to the sofa and sat down next to him . He lifted his head and scanned over my body.
"Hey, i was hoping the jeans would fit you"~jonah
"Yeah why do you have jeans from the female section do you like have some sort of fetish i wont judge "~kiara
"No! Theyre my sisters"~jonah
"Wait, u have a sister"~jonah
"Well yeah i have 2 both are younger than me and i have a older brother"~jonah
Older brother...oooo if he looks anything like jonah then hes gonna be a shnack.
"Hes married."~jonah
Damn it.
"Anyway. Me and the boys finished from tour and we were planning on taking a break apart.we all usually go back to our family houses so i was planning on going back to Minnesota. But my family are on holiday for like 3 weeks. Sooo i planned on visiting one of my holiday houses. My holiday house is in Minnesota ...dont ask it was my brothers but he never uses it so i do...its basically mine. Kind of. A bit"~jonah
"Oh. How long are you going to be gone for?"~kiara
"We are gonna be gone for About 2 weeks"~jonah
"Well if its ok with you i kinda was hoping you would tagg along"~jonah
"OMG! REALLY?!"~kiara
"But ill have to ask my dad"~kiara
"Oh yeah...we can ask today because i was planning on leaving in 3 days"~Jonah

****at home****

Jonah and I pulled up into my house. he had to go back to his house so I was left on my own. I walked into my house and went straight upstairs. my dad was still at work so I decided I should start packing. even if he said no ill find a way for him to say yes. I packed loads of clothes and all my makeup. I also put other little bits and bobs in there like a swim suit, toiletries and other stuff.

once my suit case was packed I decided to call Jonah.
"hey ive finished packing"~Kiara
"WAIT your dad said yes?!"~Jonah
"well I haven't asked him yet, I was planning on asking when he got home from work"~Kiara
"oh okkk what have you packed"~Jonah
"just little bits and bobs like toiletries,makeup,clothes and ot-"~Kiara


wtf is that noise.
"hold on shhh"~Kiara
"ughhhh "~?
"wtf Jonah I'm coming back I swear someone is in my house I can hear banging sounds "~Kiara I whispered quietly

"no! stay where you are I'm on my way"~Jonah replied with panic in hi voice.
"no I'm going down"~Kiara
"Kiara I on my way"~Jonah

I heard the car start in the backround of his phone. I walked into maxs room and grabbed one of his base ball bats...last time I had a base ball bat I hit Jonah.lmao. SERIOUS KIARA!

I walked downstairs with the bat firm in my phone was in the other so I entered the numbers 999 but I didn't dial just in case

I walked closer into the kitchen.
"mmmhhh andr- uhh"~?
I ran into the kitchen and hid behind the fridge
*bang* *bang*
I peered over to try and see what was happening....OMG
"WHAT THE FUCK"~KIARA as soon as the words left my mouth I regreted it. i dropped both the bat and my fucking dad was fucking the NEIGHBOUR DIANA ON OUT KITCHEN TABLE.they both pushed away from eachother and quickly put their clothes on. "Kiara god its not what it looks like"~dad. "THEN TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE DOING"~Kiara I'm sure by now tears had stained my cheeks. "LANGUAGE"~dad "oh Im fucking sorry dad , wait no let me re phrase that. I'm so fucking sorry ANDREW that your fucking the neighbour. A MARRIED WOMAN on OUR KITCHEN TABLE"~Kiara "look plea-"~Andrew "no u can take ur fucking apologies and shove them up you ass. and u you should be ashamed of your self"i pointed at Diana"your a fucking married woman and u have a son! Fuck this shit I have no time. I'm going don't ring me or contact me . don't expect to see me here for atleast a month!"~kiara "IM STILL YOUR FATHER AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME- US LIKE THAT! I STILL HAVE CONTROLL OVER YOU AND U ARNT GOING ANYWHERE"~Andrew

"bitch please did you forget I'm 18! you have no rights over me . Andrew , don't forget I wasn't here all night and u didn't think of me did u . for all u know I was fucking some dude but you didn't give a shit. you didn't contact me. you didn't think that your daughter was gonna be home....did you...DID YOU"~Kiara dad just looked down at his feet. the next thing I know is the door was pushed open revealing a panicked Jonah. "KIARA I told you to wait. are you aright. what happened ."~Jonah "ill tell you about it after"~Kiara I walked upstairs and grabbed my suit case. when I came down my dad was by the door and neither Jonah or Diana were in sight. "look Kiara I'm sorry please."~dad "why dad. why. I thought you were at work. or have you just been staying here fucking her."~Kiara i walked out of the house and put my suit case in jonah's car boot then hopped into the passenger seat .

Jonah glanced over to me then spoke "wanna talk about it?"~Jonah "not really "~Kiara . "ok , where do you wanna go."~Jonah "anywhere . just as long as I'm with you "~Kiara then we drove of. my head was resting against the window and tears were silently pouring out of my eyes..... we drove for ages. none of us talking apart from the occasional 'are you ok' from Jonah or the 'are you hungry'. the only other sound was the radio...after a while I fell asleep....after thinking about what happened. replaying the scene .


woooow I had so much fun writing that. anyway I love DRAMA . I bet none of you were expecting that from her dad . for those of you who are confused , Andrew is the dads name. I usually refer to him as dad but in the chapter 'new neighbours' I mention his name is Andrew a few times. also, Diana is the neighbour. liam's mom. we also met her in the chapter 'new neighbours'

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