⚠️❤️power cut (part 1)❤️⚠️

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Jonah and I were pulling up into the drive after our long paintball match. it was now roughly 10pm and dark outside. during the whole ride he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other one on my thigh rubbing small soothing circles sending shocks of electricity through me.

once he parked the car much to my dismay he removed his hand causing me to instantly miss the warmth from him. once I was out the car Jonah was already half inside. walking through the front door I heard him mutter a list of curse words.

"Whats wrong?"~Kiara

he didn't reply instead he pounded his fist against the wall in frustration. he then leant his forehead against the wall while whispering .

"powers out"~Jonah "what do you mean"~Kiara "the power isnt working"~Jonah replied now lifting his eyes to meet my gaze. "well what makes you think its not only that light , ima go check around the house to see if the power is off in any of the other rooms upstairs, you check down here"~Kiara

turning on my phone torch, I left him to look upstairs. all the lights were off and when I tried to turn them on they didn't work. I tried jonahs room , my room , the bathroom and the spare room. once I was certain the power was off upstairs I went back downstairs. Jonah was no longer where he was before so I'm guessing he had checked the power everywhere.

I looked around until I decided to go into the storage room as I remember seeing some candles in there. Jonah must have had the same idea as once I was opened the door there he was gathering candles. "hey, the power isn't working upstairs either"~Kiara

"yeah my brother would always say that there were random occasional power outages. ima gather some candles and lanterns and leave them around the house, the heating isn't working either so would you get some blankets, there should be some upstairs in the cupboard in my room.

leaving him again i made my way upstairs into his room. it smelt just like him....IM NOT CREEPY OK.

I walked over to the cupboard and opened it revealing stacks of towels and blankets. grabbing about 3 big fluffy blankets I walked back downstairs into the living room while trying my hardest to keep my balance and not fall over face first.

once I was In the living room I dumped the blankets onto the sofa . Jonah called me into the kitchen where I saw one lantern on the counter with a candle inside of it. "I only found one lantern,  there were a few candles spare but I didn't want to put them around the house as they could start a fire"~Jonah

"oh ok"~Kiara

"are you hungry?"~Jonah "um a little"~Kiara

"here ill make you something to eat"~Jonah "no no its fine I can do it"~Kiara "no ill do it"~Jonah

"can you even cook"~Kiara


"no...yes....let me try "~Jonah

giving up I sat down on one  of the kitchen stools while Jonah gathered all his cooking stuff. "what are you making"~Kiara "shhh its a surprise"~Jonah

he started of with bread then added tomato's . cucumbers , margarine and crisps....."ARE YOU MAKING A SANDWICH?"~Kiara

Jonah replied by letting out a chuckle. " hey in my defence I make a pretty good sandwich "~Jonah

once he had finished up making one for me and one for himself , we both walked away from the kitchen and back into the living room. we placed the lantern in the middle of the room , it let of a small amount of light but nothing to bright to light up the whole room. Jonah sat down on the sofa while I sat on the floor. "are you not tired"~Jonah  "no , what about you?"~Kiara "no not yet"~Jonah

I cut the sandwich into 4 smaller pieces . "I cant believe you put crisps in here with tomato's and cucumber"~Kiara

"hey princess trust me it will be the best thing you've ever had"~Jonah


"is this even edible "~Kiara "it sure is"~jonah

he then grabbed the biggest piece of his plate and shoved it into his mouth. "your turn "~Jonah

hesitantly I grabbed one of the smaller pieces and ate it......

"see its nice isn't it"~Jonah


lie.....ok it was actually delicious.

"admit it you liked it"~Jonah

"I didn't tho "~Kiara


within seconds jonah has tackled me to the floor . I'm under him and he is on top off me tickling me.his legs on either side of me .  "admit it"~ jonah "n-noo"~Kiara he just stated to tickle me more. all over my body from my hips to my neck and my legs. "admit it was the best and ill stop "~ jonah . " n-no I-t was-nt "~ I managed to get out between laughs. with one hand he grabbed my hands which I was using to try and push him away and placed then on top of my head. using his free hand he started to attack my tummy with tickles. "sto-p it"~ Kiara....."admit it"~ jonah .

"f-fine I liked it"~ Kiara he stopped tickling me. "no say 'jonah it was the best thing ive ever tasted'"~  jonah "no "~ Kiara and with that I tried to run but he grabbed onto me and started tickling me again. "wrong answer"~jonah "f-fine s-to-op"~ Kiara he obeyed. "jonah it was the best thing ive ever tasted"~ I replied in a high pitch voice. "hey I don't sound like that "~ jonah. "yes you do"~ Kiara "princess no I don't"~ jonah "yes you do "~Kiara. quickly I flipped us over so I was not on top of him and got up and ran.

"KIARA GET BACK HERE NOW"~Jonah I turned around to see him getting up of the floor after his moment of shock. just as I got to the door of the living room two hands were placed around my waist pulling me. I was turned around and pushed against the wall in a way that I felt no pain. jonah leaned his head down towards my ear and his husky voice said "I do not sound like that"~jonah "y-yes you d-o"~Kiara "whats wrong princess has the cat got you tongue"~jonah .

he stood up straight looking down at me. only now did I realise how tall he actually was compared to me. damn. our chests were crushed against one and other leaving no room at all. I felt the redness starting to creep up my face at the thought of it . as he was so close I noticed his eyes had the tiniest golden flakes in them making them even better looking.

his eyes made their way down my face to my lips and after looking at them for a few seconds they travelled  back up to my eyes. slowly he leaned in brushing his lips against mine before they actually met. my eyes instantly shut at the contact as I answered his kiss by kissing back.
I decided to split this chapter into two or else it would turn out really long. The next chapter will be up earlier than usual so ima aim for tomorrow-3 days time. Its going to be the smut chapter so get prepared. Go get your popcorn and snacks , find the most romantic music and prepare yourself as the time has come. Until next chapter . Love u guys
Word count = 1275

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