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I woke up from my peaceful sleep with Jonah shaking me lightly. every muscle in my body was sore and I was still exhausted. "go away, let me sleep"~i murmured into the pillow while picking up another pillow and throwing it in his direction causing him to laugh at my childish ways before pulling the bed sheets of me fully exposing my naked body . "c'mon princess , I ran you a warm bath. It will help with the soreness. "~Jonah

I pushed myself up into a sitting position rubbing my eyes slightly. I swung my legs over the bed before wincing at the feeling between my legs. I looked up to see Jonah staring down on me with a worried expression plastered on his face. "ill carry you come on"~Jonah stated walking towards me "no I can walk".

pushing myself of the sides of the bed I tried to make my way to the bathroom door but it wasn't long before my legs gave out and I fell butt first on the floor. I heard a chuckle as I looked up at Jonah who was now smirking .

I took the time to take in his body. he was completely naked except for the towel that was hung lowly around his waist. his hair was wet and hung down on his face causing little droplets of water to fall of his hair and down past his face onto his defined abs.

feeling self conscious I went to grab the sheets from the bed to cover myself but just as my finger tips touched them I way pulled away . Jonah picked me up bridal styled carrying my naked body towards the bathroom.

he gently placed me in the bath tub that was filled with bubbles. I slowly sunk inside it relaxing all my muscles and closed my eyes. a few seconds later I re opened them to see Jonah removing his towel exposing his - ANYWAY. he slowly jumped into the bath placing himself behind me .


I got into the bath tub along with Kiara and pulled her body into mine by wrapping my arms around her waist. we lied there for a while in a comfortable silence before I decided it was time to clean up. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and placed some of the shampoo in my palm .

I grabbed the shower head and allowed the water to run through her smooth silky hair. rubbing the shampoo onto both my hands in began to slowly massage it into her hair causing her to release a moan. "Kiara careful . your still saw and I don't think your ready for round two just yet"~Jonah

I glanced at her face to see her cheeks were stained red. I carried on massaging her scalp with shampoo then I washed out all the product and done the same with the conditioner .

I then grabbed the shower gel and cleaned my princess from head to toe.


when I was all clean he cuddled me into his body. " I love you"~Jonah

although it came out as barely a whisper I still heard it. my whole body froze. the thoughts of last night all came back along with all of our memories together. everything we have done together .

the first time we met on the plane.

when I first slept at the wdw house.

when we watched movies all night

when I found out he was in a band

when we played truth or dare

when we first kissed

our first date

when we went skinny dipping

when I got drunk and wacked him with a bat .... HA THAT WAS A GOOD MEMORY

when we went to the beach and he comforted me

when we came to the holiday house

when we played 21 questions

when we crashed the wedding

when we went shopping

when we went paintballing

the power cut.......the sex....

I was suddenly turned around so I was forced to make eye contact with him.

"I love you Kiara. the feelings I have towards you are undeniable, its gone beyond the stage of just liking you. every time I see you I want to be near you , I always want you in my arms and if it was up to me I would never let you go. I hate seeing you cry and I love seeing you happy . ur laugh does all sorts of things to me. your crazy , you do things and you don't care about what anyone else thinks about you. your absolutely beautiful Kiara .... your fucking perfect Kiara. I don't know what I would do without you . you don't have to say it back I can wait. i want you to say it when your ready to say it. i don't want it to be forced.I cant imagine a life without you Kiara....I love you"~Jonah

at the end of his speech my face was lined with streaks of tears. Jonah wiped them away with the pad of his thumb then slowly rubbed his thumb down to my lip where he slowly traced my bottom lip.

do I love him????

"Jonah I like you a lot, I almost love you. I'm sorry. I almost love you. you mean a lot to me . I cant imagine a life without you. all the moments we have had together Jonah they mean a lot to me . all the times you have been there for me. you've seen me at my worst and you haven't left me. "~Kiara

for the slightest of seconds I swear his eyes were full of disappointment and happiness but he quickly masked it with happiness.

"that's enough for me Kiara. when your ready"~Jonah

he then leaned forward and crashed his lips onto mine. after a few seconds we broke apart and he leaned his forehead against mine.

"Kiara....I don't know how to ask you but will you...umm...ugh..what the hell man fuck it.. Kiara will you be my girlfriend"~Jonah

smiling I look up into his dazzling green eyes. "yes....YES I would love to be your girlfriend"~Kiara.

a wave of happiness jolts through my body as I suddenly feel like jumping up and down. JONAH MARAIS IS MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND. he pulls me closer clutching onto both sides of my waist as he presses his lips to mine smiling into the kiss. I move my hand to the back of his neck and kiss him back. "your all mine..my beautiful girlfriend"~Jonah "my sexy boyfriend"~Kiara

again its about fucking time! so after all that time they're now dating. wooooow

also on Wednesday the 30th IM GOING TO THE MANCHESTER CONCERT !!! IM SO EXITED AGHHHH. I cant wait to go but yet again I'm so scared to go. like ive known about wdw since feb 2017 and after over a year they're coming to the uk and I'm going to one of their concerts!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHH

after writing the bit about all there memories together it made me think about how much we have all experienced during this book since September 2017 when I started it up until now may 2018 but ITS NOT OVER YET , BITCH U CANT GET RID OF ME THAT QUICK. awww. anyway.

word count= 1247


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