Meet the ex

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my whole body was frozen. it was like i was paralized. my mind was telling me to move , to run , but i was stuck in my place.He still looks the same as he did the last time i saw him exept for the fact that he has matured abit. His jawline is alot sharper and his muscles are showing through his top. Hes also got a slight stubble showing up.
"Wh-w-what are you doi-doing here?"~kiara
He took one more step closer to me as i took another step back.
"Kiara"~callum said ignoring my question as he reached his hand out to me.
"Nu-n-no, answer me"~kiara
"Please listen to me!"~callum
He took another step closer to me but i didnt move. I couldn't.
"Look lets talk outside , come on please kiara"~callum  "She's not going anywhere" suddenly a arm was wrapped around my waist and i was pulled back into a hard chest. I didn't need to turn around to know that it was in fact jonah. "yeh and who are you"~ callum "sh-" "WHY SHOULD IT MATTER , your the one who left me. your the one who told me u were moving away 5 minuets before u left!"~Kiara . Callums head fell down towards the floor causing strands of dirty blond hair to fall
Infront of his face. Jonahs arm tightened around me crushing me further into his chest. I lowered my gaze towards his hands to see that his fists were clenched ready to punch. Once i looked up his jaw was also clenched and his eyes were focused on callum as he shot daggers towards him with his eyes causing his eyebrows to slant and hood his eyes. Jonah was definitely angry. Reassuringly i placed my hand on his arm and slowly rubbed it. This instantly caused jonah to look down on me and his face to soften as soon as his eyes locked with mine. I smiled up at him and he smiled back slightly but his grip on me didnt change.

I looked back towards callum to see his eyes focused on my hand that was still rubbing soothing circles on jonahs soft skin. His entire face was masked with hurt and sadness. His eyes slowly made their way up to my face still holding that hurt expression.

I felt bad for him but yet again he left me! He left me in agony."kiara please let me explain"~callum "fine ok you have 5 minuets"~kiara callums face instantly lit up and jonahs grip tightened "this doesnt mean your forgiven"~kiara
His face dropped for a second but he quickly covered it up with a smile. I looked up to jonah and nodded my head telling him that i will be fine but his grip only tightened. "Jonah ill be fine dont worry if he tries anything I'll tackle him to the floor"~kiara . I wispered that causing jonah to let out a small laugh. He quickly kissed my forehead then released me. " ill be right over here if you need me"~jonah said with a smile. I turned around and walked of past callum and outside. Once i reached there it was only a few seconds before callum arrived."who's he, do you love him, are you dating !?"|~callum . He has no right to be angry !!!
"Thats none of your businesses were not here to talk about him"~kiara
"Oh yeah uhh sorry"~callum replied while he scratched the back of his neck." Look kiara im honestly really sorry for leaving you, i didnt want to hurt you "~callum
HAHA this guy is funnier than I remember. "DIDNT WANT TO HURT ME. Are you ok in the head do u want me to knock some common sense into that little brain if yours?!"~kiara
"Look i know it was stupid but I thought about it and i came to the conclusion that u would be fine"~callum
"Well clearly you didnt think enough now did you!"~kiara
"Well i know that now dont i kia-"~callum
"DUDE COME ON 5 MINUETS BEFORE U LEFT. WHAT COULD I DO IN THAT TIME ..... you know what thinking about it now I wasted five minutes on you. Doing a shit would of been alot better and it would have made me feel alot more accomplished . Like come on dude have some decency to tell me like at least  a week before."~kiarA
"Was five minuets seriously all i meant to you"~kiara
"OK I GET IT I FUCKED UP OK! OK"~callum "so why did you leave...hmmm you never gave me a reason "~kiara
"You never asked "~callum simply replied

"What is all this noise"~?
Suddenly a tall ginger walked around the corner. Although Her hair was perfectly styled into a slick high ponytail it Still reached her waistline. Her hair free skin was tan which perfectly complimented her bright green eyes. Her legs were long and her hips were wide. Framing her 5'10 body was a skin tight thigh length black and sliver pearl dress. She was absolutely stunning and had a amazing model like body. Damnnn.
"Jessica baby please go back inside "~callum . Baby?!
"No! Callum who is this"~Jessica responded in q high sassy voice.
"No one please jess"~ callum
"NO ONE! What do u mean no one"~kiarA
Callums eyes widened after realising what he said. "WHO ARE YOU AND WAT ARE YOU DOING HERE "~jess
"EXCUSE ME ! Who are you "~kiara
"IM HIS FUCKING GIRLFRIEND YOU SLUT"~jess said with furious eyes. Well shit....
Sorry guys this chapter wasny meant to end like this but im super tired. Also im wearing fake nails so its super hard to type so please ignore any spellings mistakes. Also im on holiday and its 1:22am so Yh. Nezt chapter shld be on time. Lv yall xxx
Word count : 1011

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