Silent beach

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Did i over react.....maybe.
Was i to harsh....maybe.
Do I forgive my dad....HELL NO.
Siting in jonahs car has given me time to think about what happened. I think that as i didn't expect that to happen and i didn't expect to see that( trust me no child should see that) it kind of made me angry, sad , confused and i just exploded. I wasnt home all night for a matter of fact i was staying at kellys house so i hadnt been home for a good few days. Not once did he contact me or think of me. Instead he just fucked the neighbour. If he thought about it properly he would have known i would have been back yesterday night but i wasn't instead i was knocked out from alcohol at jonahs apartment, i could have been anywhere and he didnt think of me instead the neighbour was more important. Shes a married woman, she has a lovely family and a caring husband. My dad was meant to be at work but nope. He could have at least had some decency to do it in the bedroom but nope he used OUR kitchen table. For all i know they could have done this numerous amounts of times and then we would eat on that table. I just want to talk to someone and i just want them to listen. I want them to hold me and tell me everything is ok. Jonah. Max. I need to see max. I need to call him. I need to visit him.its been about two hours and we have just been driving. Were currently in the middle of nowhere just driving.
"Where are we going"~kiara
"Its a suprise."~jonah
Roughly ten minutes later we pulled up to our destination . Jonah parked the car up as i hopped out.
"Easy there tiger"~jonah
My eyes scanned over the breathtaking scenery.
"This isnt even the best part"~jonah said suddenly appearing next to me.
He laced our fingers together then dragged us of.
We paused just before our feet hit the sand. He let go of my fingers and instead started to take off his shoes. I swiftly followed after him removing mine. We left our shoes and socks on the side as we relaced our fingers together and walked on the soft sand.
"Come on i wanna show you something "~jonah
"What i-"~kiara
Seconds later one of his hands was placed infrount of my wyes and the other was snaked around my waist to guide me. After about a minute of pure silence ,apart from the sound of the crashing waves ,jonah spoke.
"Were here"~jonah said as his hot minty breath caressed my ear sending shivered down my spine.slowly, he removed his hand over my eyes and tightened his grip on my waist as he placed his other hand there aswell. Infront of us was a small cave that overlooked the beach and sea.
"Omggg how the hell did you find this place"~kiara
"I come here sometimes to think and relax. Its kind of like my little calm space where no one can disturb me"~jonah
"Wowwww in all honesty im lost for words, this is amazing."~kiara
"Come on. "~jonah he release his grip and grabbed my hand dragging me inside the cave. The floor was still covered in sand like the beach but the only difference was that we were surrounded by rocks.jonah sat down on the sand snd patted the seat next to him motioning to me to sit down. As my bum hit the surprisingly warm sand jonah placed his arm around my waist , protectively pulling me against his chest. We stared of into the sea in a peaceful, comfortable silence surrounded by our thoughts. We sat there for what felt like minutes but i know for sure that it was a few hours.
"Do you know where your staying tonight, have you ate"~jonah
I moved my head so i was now looking up at him.
"Well i umm cant go back there after what happened......."~kiara
"Yeahh, well if you want you can stay at the why don't we house"~jonah
The why don't we house is like a second home to me. Actually forget that its more of my home than anywhere else... i love going there and staying there but im always staying at their houses and i feel quite guilty. At the end of the day boys are boys and they need their own privacy.
"Well id love to jonah. That house is like a home to me. Butttt i cant. Im always disturbing you guts and its not fair, you guys deserve your privacy"~kiara
When my gaze met his i saw his face fall.
"No its fine , we honestly don't mind. We all love you. Especially zach"~jonah
"Oh god jonah. Zach is a pain in the ass. He reminds me of a little brother"~kiara
"Hahahahah, so are you gonna stay?"~jonah
"Well i think it would be be better if i stayed at kellys house. Dont get me wrong i love your house but u guys need your privacy "~kiara
"Oh ok...thats fine then if u wanna stay there. Just dont go talking about all those hot boys , Beautiful "~jonah
B-Beautiful? DID HE CALL ME BEAUTIFUL. I could feel redness slowly creep onto my cheeks.
"Dont worry jonah we wont just talk about them, we will also look at pictures "~kiara
He lifted his arm to check the time on his watch.
"Its quite late...we should get going , dont want you getting ill"~ jonah
Well this chapter was a bit calm and not that interesting. Sorry. Anywayyy NEXT CHAPTER THEY GO AWAY ....
Bye cxx
Word count- 975

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