treasure hunt for my love

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a week. it had been a whole week since I moved into the why don't we house. things had been well different to what I'm used to. privacy? who's that. its weird but in a good way. Jonah and I have been sharing a room and it was the best feeling ever waking up next to him.

waking up in the morning was lovely. I don't even need to set an alarm on my phone since Zach's screaming does the job perfectly fine.

I hadn't moved all of my stuff because there wasnt enough room and I didn't want to fill jonahs room up with a dressing table and shoes. I had only brought things like clothes, toiletries, a few shoes, chargers and other essentials.

Jonah was right when he said the boys would be super supportive. they didn't mind me being here in fact they loved it especially Zach. Kelly had come over a few times and the boys loved her again especially Zach ;)

deciding it was about time to get up I pushed jonahs covers of my body and rolled out of bed...literally. Jonah wasnt there... He's probably downstairs.

I grabbed two towels and made my way to the bathroom. I washed down my whole body then shampooed and conditioned my hair. for the past few days I had been using jonahs body wash, shampoo and conditioner (since I forgot to bring mine) making me smell like him I mean I wasnt complaining or anything but when we went to pick up all my clothes I grabbed my shower stuff.

once I had firmly wrapped one towel around my body I used the other to dry my hair. I walked back out into jonahs room to grab my clothes but instead something on the bed caught my eye.

well it wasnt hard to notice since it was surrounded by rose petals in the shape of a heart but in the centre was a small note. it was made of smooth white card with gold engraved designs around it making a border around the number 1 that was written in gold cursive writing in the centre.

the card was folded in half so when I opened it I was welcomed with more gold cursive writing. on the bottom half it said:

dear Kiara, I know how much you love adventures so I decided on making one for you. throughout the day you will come across multiple notes just like this one until you find me. Don't bother asking any of the boys where I am since they don't know.

I left you a outfit behind the bathroom door. we will start of easy. can you remember my favourite chapter in my favourite book? that's where the next note is .xx

what the hell is he planning. not looking to deeply into it I walked behind the door and he wasnt lying when he said that he put clothes on the door. when did he do this?!

I grabbed the dress that was hung and pulled it off the hanger. it was a beautiful. it was navy blue with large white and red roses covering the bottom slowly fading out into pure blue at the top. there weren't any sleeves on it but all the material joined up at the top forming collars. it wasnt long but it wasnt too short. it looked like it would stop roughly mid thigh.

I placed the dress down on the bed and grabbed my makeup .i didn't know what was happening so I decided on going really light by applying a little foundation and concealer before doing my eyes. I didn't really want to go over the top with eyeshadow so I just put on a eye liner and mascara. I then added a bit of blush and highlighter before finishing of the look with some glossy red lipstick.

the look was natural and plain except for the lips but oh well. I grabbed a matching set of dark blue lace underwear and a bra before slipping on the dress. I was right it ended just between my mid thigh and knee.

I had let my hair naturally dry but since it was still damp I used a hairdryer before gathering it all into a messy bun on top of my head. I pulled out some loose strands to frame my face.

once i was ready i searched jonahs room for his harry potter books. they weren't that hard to find since they were lying right next to his night stand. i grabbed the first book in the series and shook it. its not that i don't remember his favourite chapter its just shaking it is easier.

when nothing fell i searched through each chapter until i found his favourite one. right on the first page of the chapter was a note but it was taped down, no wonder it didn't fall boy.

i carefully ripped it out and opened it.

you remembered! well its not that hard but oh well. do you remember the place we went to right after our first date? i think you know where you need to go. xx

I put the both notes and my phone in my bag before slipping on some flat blue shoes that were lying around in one of my boxes.

I ran downstairs and left the house. if im right the place where we had our first official date isn't too far so there is no need for me to take my car.

after getting lost multiple times I found it. the 'fancy ass restaurant' it was where we went to eat the night of our date so the place we went after that shouldn't be to far.

I walked down the road and after a few turns I came across it. the small gate that's hidden by branches and flowers. I managed to get through and take in my surroundings.

it hasn't changed except for the fact that I can see everything clearly in daylight compared to last time when it was night. small flowers were still covering the ground and trees surrounded me and the massive lake in the middle.

it was as beautiful as the first time.

i looked around the place for any sign of red petals until something caught my eye. there was another heart made from the same petals except this time they were white. i walked over to it and again in the centre was a card with the number 3 on it.

i picked it up while smiling at myself thinking back to all the memories we shared in just this on place.

this place was fun wasnt it ;) princess, i know how much you love Disney so why don't you put on the crown and we can become beauty and the beast and not just in the Disney way ;) ok ill stop now.

we had a lot of fun times together but one of my favourites was when you woke me up in the middle of the night by sneaking into my room because you had a crave for 'triple chocolate Nutella hazelnut icecream with the little sprinkles'

i know i know its late. sorry im trying to get back to normal updates. ima hopefully do a double update to make up for it next chapter. love yall.

word count= 1236


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