Sleepover p2

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We then made our way inside as everyone was sitting down to continue the game
"Were coming back were just gonna go change"~jonah
"Ok bye"~zach
We then started making our way upstairs when august shouted
I then put my middle finger up at him as i walked into jonahs room.
"Jonah i dont have a change of clothes here"~kiara
"Do you want to wear one of my hoodies"~jonah
"No problem here just wear these jeans aswell ill go change in the other room you get changed in here"~Jonah
"Ok thx"~kiara
Jonah then left the room as i got changed i had to keep my bra and underwear on as im pretty sure jonah doesnt own then as soon as i put the hoodie on it reached just above my knee and the jeans were to big for me so i had to roll them up so they reached my ankles .
I then made my way downstairs, sat down and played on my phone after putting my clothes outside to dry.
"I hate u daniel "~kiara
"Awww u cant hate me"~daniel
"Well i do"~kiara
"How about i get you ice cream"~daniel
"Ill consider forgiving you"~kiara
Daniel then rushed into the kitchen got out a bowl and started to fill it with ice cream as jonah made his way downstairs.
"Kiara where are your clothes"~jonah
"I put them outside to dry"~kiara
"Oh ok"~jonah
Daniel then came funning towards me
"I GOT YOUR -"~daniel
He then fell forward and hit the floor
"Ice cream"~daniel
"Omg are you ok Come here ill save you dont worry"~kiara
"Oh no i was talking about the icecream...... jonah can help you"~kiara
Daniel gave me puppy dog eyes
"Dont worry the ice creams ok "~kiara
***1 hour later***
We decide we would all go to the park even though it was starting to get dark outside
***at da park***
We were all now at the park . Daniel was chasing zach . Jack was messing around on the climing frame. August was on the phone to someone and me and jonah were on the swings.
"Jonahhhhhh i wanna go higgghhhheeerr"~kiara
"Your already going really high "~jonah
"i wanna get of"~kiara
He then slowed down the swing and we were now just sitting there talking
"Umm kiara"~jonah
"I just think we should talk about that kiss"~jonah
"Ummm ok"~kiara
"Please answer truthfully"~jonah as he said this i noticed his eyes on the ground
There was then a silence but that kind of silence where you know not to say anything.
"Did the kiss mean anything to you"~jonah he then looked up at me with a expressionless face .
"Jonah being honest with you i e—"~kiara
"Guys i got to get going my brother is calling me ill be back in a hour"~august
I heard jonah curse under his breath as we got up to head back
***when we got back***
By the time we got back ot was about 10 at night so we were gonna head of to bed but i didnt know where inwas sleeping.
"Umm guys where am i sleeping"~kiara
"Ill sleep on the couch "~daniel
"No ill sleep on the couch"~kiara
"How about you and jonah share a bed"~zach
"Im not even gonna deal with you right now"~kiara
"Kiara you sleep in my bed and ill sleep on the lovesac "~jonah
"No its ok"~kiara
"No really its fine"~jonah
Ooooooo all dat gud shit go down in jonahs room 😏 😇 also sorry this chapter is a tad bit boring and kind of short compared to my recent chapters but oh well im sowwy 😚😙😗ew no my kisses are for jonah only
"What about me"~kiara
"Suck it up bish"~me(isha)
"Ill suck it up any time ... if ya knw what i mean"~kiara
"Oi that my job"~me(isha)
"What u guys talking about "~jonah
"Succulent plants! succulent plant"~kiara
"Oh umm yeah ok ..... Yeah ima go now"~jonah
"You guys are weird"~daniel
"Fight me hoe"~me(isha)

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