everyone needs a kelly

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I woke up after a warm comfy sleep in Jonah's bed.once my eyes were open i reached out to wcheck the time on my phone but i was instantly pulled back down to a sleeping position. I then realised that i had a large muscular arm rapped around my waist and my head was rested on another large arm....not a pillow.i slowly turned around to come face to face with a peaceful Jonah. Our legs were tangled together and his hot breath was on my neck. I slowly tried to move away from him, out of his cage but he wasn't having any of it.
"Fivvee more minuettttsss"~jonah said in his rough deep voice.
"Jonah get up"~kiara
"Jonah i will scream so move your ass right now"~kiara
Suddenly i was pulled ontop of his muscular body with my head flat against his chest .
"5 more minuets"~jonah i could basically hear the smirk on his face. "why are you even in this bed...what happened to sleeping on the couch "~kiara "what you talking about, what couch?"~jonah said in a innocent , clueless voice. "hey hey hey! u know exactly what I'm talking about , don't play innocent with me "~Kiara
Suddenly i was flipped over so i was bellow jonah.
"Innocent? Im not playing innocent "~jonah said with a smirk plastered on his face. "jonahhhh I need to pee"~Kiara "shhhhh"~Jonah he  then leaned down kissing me on the lips passionately but I quickly pulled away. Jonah pouted and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "heyyy that's not fair, I wanted a morning kiss"~Jonah "eww I have morning breath"~Kiara

***a few hours later***

Jonah and I had both showered and I threw on some girls clothes that Jonah stole from corbyns room. not gonna ask why he has girls clothes but whatever the kid does in his own time is something I don't really wanna know... I had a shower after Jonah and when I came out the bath room there was no sign of him , just the clothes and a note saying

'ive gone out ill be back in a while don't miss me to much , ive left u some clothes that I stole from corbyns room also the boys are with me. we have a meeting. be ready by 6 I'm taking u out. I left some cash on my bedside table , go buy yourself something'

I could basically hear him smirking as he wrote this...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        be ready by 6?! its already 12! shit I need to go shopping.

***at the mall***

I ended up leaving jonahs money at home and using my own money as I'm buying the dress for myself not Jonah so why should he pay. I picked up some new eyeliner, fake eyelashes and a new foundation as I didn't want anything to extra.

I walked into a few clothes shops just browsing but sadly didn't find anything. I was now inside forever 21 just walking around . WAIT! HE didnt tell me what kind of outfit. fancy or casual or comfy or sporty ! what are we even gonna be doing! I let out a loud sigh as I just stared ahead oh me ... contemplating life. I was snapped out of my bubble by a woman's voice calling me

"hey can I help you" she was my height and around my age . her blond curls bounced up and down as she walked further towards me. "yes please.."i sighed "the names Kendal and no I don't work here " she replied "ight Kelly lets go shoping!"~Kiara "well looks like I'm stuck with a crazy girl"~Kelly "yupp....DO THEY HAVE A DISNEY STORE HERE"~Kiara "were gonna get along perfect now comeee onnn lets go shoping"~Kelly


I was currently inside the changing room changing into one of the outfits Kelly picked out for me. I explained to her what happened and stuff. I felt like even thought I had only known this girl for a hour I could trust her with my life. she gave me 3 outfits all of them were comfy but showed a lot of my skin. she said they would be perfect.

"hurry up have u put the dress on"~Kelly

"yesss?"~Kiara "then get yo fat ass out here"~Kelly     "my ass aint fat"~Kiara "yh yh now get your ass here!"~kelly

i finally walked out as kelly gasped in shock. the dress went up to my thigh and it was black. the neck went down just a bit above my cleavage  and there was a thin cut out v shape just above my belly button. "I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY THAT IS THE ONE"~kelly shouted earning us angry glairs from unhappy costumers

"dont you think its to short"~kiara "oooohhh and some red converse to go with it....do you have any...nahhhh lets go get you some . give me the dress"~Kelly said completely ignoring my question.

i went back into the the changing room and took the dress of passing it to her . i then closed the door and changed back into my clothes. i roamed the shop but couldn't find Kelly anywhere so i walked out only to find her sitting down with two cappuccino in her hands.

"ight lets go"~kelly she said shoving one of the drinks into my hands

"wait what about the dress?!and thanks for the drink"~kiara "ur welcome and dont worry about it babe i sorted it out"~kelly said pulling her credit card out and winking "now come on we havent got all day youve got a hot date with a fine ass boy"~kelly said walking away befor i could shout at her for paying  . damn ive only known this girl for a few hours!


this chapter is 1151 words long so for me thats quite long . i was gonna continue the rest in here but i decided to put it in the next chapter. also ive done my english assessment so normal chapter updates from now on unless i update saying anything else.

bye my little lammas xx


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