Whos this ⚠️⚠️⚠️

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When you see this sign (⚠️) it means a smut /inappropriate scene is coming up❤️😘

••jonahs pov••
"Come on dude"~august
"Naha u guys carry on im going to go here"~jonah
"Dude i swear if u get kicked out"~corbyn
"Chilllll i lnow what im doing"~jonah
"You guys go ima stay here and babysit him"~corbyn
"Fine as long as ur not in sight"~jonah
••kiaras pov••
Me and liam were out eating and to be honest it wernt that fun but it wernt that bad . I would rather be here with jonah...some one who isnt that boring but liam was still half fun to hang out with........
The doors then bursted open and a tall brown haired guy with a leather jacket , black ripped jeans and a  light blue camo top walked in....jonah
He walked straight passed me and to the till not making eye contact once. He waited there until they handed him a smoothie and he turned straight towards me, his eyes piercing my skin. Slowly he walked forwards until he grabbed a chair and sat right next to me.
"Dude what the hell cant you see this table is full"~liam
"Im sure kiara doesnt mind do u kiara"~jonah
"Liam this is jonah , jonah this is liam"~kiara
"So kiara as i was saying would you like to go out to a fair one day"~liam
"Oh um yeah sure"~kiara
"Oh yeah guys ill come aswell"~jonah
"Um ask kiara i mean its up to her"~liam
Then a smooth gentle hand was placed on my knee.....jonahs hand.
He slowly moved it up to just below my thigh sending shivers down my spine as he brought it back down to my knee. The warmth of his hand was inviting.
"Hmm kiara what do you 
I swear if he takes his hand any higher then below my thigh a unwanted moan will be heard by the whole shop.
"U-mm ye-y-eee- uhh ye-a"~kiara
"English kiara"~jonah
I then turned to look at him and he had a huge smirk planted on his face.how could he have that effect on me!?
"YeAh s-ure"~kiara
Liam was shooting daggers into jonahs skin , slowly piercing it. Im sure it would actually be pierced if he knew what was happening.
Jonah then took his hand up higher onto my mid thigh where he slowly rubbed his thumb across my skin.this feeling was unimaginably good , i know i should take his hand off but i love the feeling to much.
His thumb slowly traced lazy circles on my thigh as he took his hand up higher slowly stopping it right before my shorts . I was now bitting my lip to hold back unwanted moans from escaping.
"Lets get dessert"~liam
"Hmm sure call the waiter over"~jonah
Liam then motioned for the waiter to come over and he did .
"How can i help you"~waiter
"Could we have some dessert"~liam
"Sure what would u like"~waiter
"Umm ill have strawberry swirl cream pie
"Yh ill have a chocolate fudge  cake"~jonah
"And you?"~waiter
"*small moan**cough*umm *cough cough* Ill umm ha-ve a ch-choco-l-umm l-ate cookie waff-le pleASe"~kiara
Im 100% sure the waiter knows whats going on under the table im just glad the tables arnt see through...Jonah was still tracing circles on my bare skin as he slowly side his hand down towards my inner thigh.
"Ima go too th-e loo"~kiara
"Ok dont be to long *wink*"~jonah
🤤🤤i just melted 😍😍
I quickly got up and ran into the woman's bathroom to be honest i missed the feeling of jonahs hand but it just kept on making me word vomit...oh god
Im bad at writing these kind of scenes 😢 im sorry but i promise they wont be to bad ....

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