U lied!

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"Their in a band called why dont we search it up"~logan
I then got up and walked into the back yard and sat on one of the rock things. I pulled out my phone and searched for them on Instagram...
I clicked on the first one...theyre verified...1.8million followers....i then looked down in the bio i skimmed through all the names .
'Daniel seavey, zach herron, corbyn besson,jack avery,jonah marais'
I then clicked onto the first photo.
It was a picture of all the boys in denim...all my boys....my friends?
Jonahs in a band ... a FRICKEN BAND i dont know what hurt more the fact that jonah not only kept this from me but he lied ....THEY ALL LIED . I felt tears starting to brim up in my eyes...i thought me and jonah were getting somewhere.
All of a sudden some one sat next to me....august.
"The boys said u probably wouldnt want to talk to them so i decided to come"~august
"Thankyou august"~Kiara
"Its fine...hey lets go get some ice cream"~august
"Haha come on then"~kiara
***in the car***
If i were to be honest i really needed ice cream but thats not what i wanted to say...although all the boys technically lied to me i was more hurt that jonah did. Yeah i dont wanna talk to any of them but i miss them...as for jonah im to hurt to talk to him right now. Well even if i wanted to talk to him i couldnt i have no clue where he is.dont get me wrong im proud of him its just he lied...he kept something this big from me.
"Fine no ice cream for you"~august
"Come on"~august
****2 weeks later****
Its been 2 weeks since i found out about the boys being in a band . At first i was extremely upset, i mean they basically lied to me but now im still upset but after talking to august he made me feel better and explained to me why jonah lied. I understand that he didnt tell me because he wanted to be safe after what happened to jack with this Emily girl...IT REALLY HURT THAT HE THOUGHT I MIGHT BE A GOLD DIGGER. i mean thats disgusting but i kind of understand. Anyway i havent seen jonah at all and i kind of wanted to talk to him. Ive been going to the boys house throughout the week and everything is fine now i mean ive even listened to some of their songs . They are actually quite good.
***at the wdw house**
I arrived here a few hours ago and no jonah in sight . We hadnt really done much .
I decided to go into the kitchen where corbyn was.
"Could u tell me something "~kiara
"Yeah sure"~corbyn
"Wheres jonah"~kiara
"*death stare*"~kiara
"He doesnt wanna tell u because he doesnt want you to get hurt by him again"~corbyn
"Bean i swear tell me where he is"~kiara
"I cant"~corbyn
"Please corbyn"~kiara my voice was so almost inaudible and my head was down
"155 porthart road .... logans house"~corbyn
(Author note: i made that up its not actually his address if it was bitch my last name would be paul)
***in the car***
I left the boys house and i was now on my way to logans address. Im sure it should be jonah in my position right now ,coming after me . But yet again after that conversation with corbyn and him saying .
'he doesnt wanna tell u because he doesnt want you to get hurt by him again'
Id do the same thing.
***porthart rd***
I was outside logans house. DAMN , this is one hell of a house . I parked outside of the large gates between me and the house and got out my car. The gates were open so i just walked straight in , past a big white car , a smaller red challenger (car) and a huge teal bus. I knocked on the front door and 2 seconds later it was opened.
"Hey kiara"~logan he then shoved his camera in my face
"Who is it?"~that voice was too familiar . Logan then ran of chasing his dog , revealing................jonah.

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