tight clothes ❤️

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Around 7pm the movie ended but neither of us were tired yet. my head was resting against jonahs shoulder and he had his arm draped over me. I'm not sure how but at some point a blanket was placed over us covering me from my chin to my feet. "Jonah?"~Kiara "yeah"~Jonah "what should we do now?"~Kiara "do u wanna go out for like a walk or something. maybe I could show you around. if not we could do that tomorrow"~Jonah "id love to let me just get changed"~Kiara I jumped up and went upstairs to my room. I decided on wearing something a bit warmer as its cold outside so I threw on a oversized jumper that belonged to my mum and a pair of blue jeans. I love this jumper so much, my mum would always wear it and it still has her scent."Kiara?"~Jonah "yeah"~Kiara "I may need your help"~Jonah I quickly tied my hair up into a bun and walked over into jonahs room. "what do you-"~Kiara I bit down on my lips to hold back a laugh but I didn't do a very good job as the next thing I know I was laughing like a mad woman."come on its not funny , help me"~Jonah "how did u even do this"~Kiara I managed to say between giggles. "well I decided to change my clothes and I weren't bothered to open my suit case, I remember about 3 years ago I left some of my clothes here so I decided to put one of the tops on and I'm guessing you know what happened next"~Jonah replied gesturing towards his half covered stomach. ooooo abssss. "Kiara! help"~Jonah the top clinged onto his muscles  and stopped a few centimetre above his belly button. "how exactly should I help?"~I replied walking over to him. "I don't know just like get it of me"~Jonah and to do that I have to touch him. I walked over to him and stopped a few placed in front of him. he walked over to me creating almost no space between us. "here"~Jonah his husky deep voice said against my skin leaving a burning trail. he gently grabbed my hands and placed them on each of his sides . my fingers curled around the hem of his shirt and I started to lift it up. once it was up to his head he grabbed it and pulled it over. his eyes instantly connected with mine and he stepped closer if that was even possible. He leaned over to my ear and said "thanks" causing the hairs on my neck to stand up. we stood there for a few seconds just looking down at each other until his hand touched my arm and traced its outline until he was at my shoulder where he moved his finger up to my neck and the my jaw. in one swift movement he grabbed a lose lock of my hair and placed it behind my ear. I looked down to stop him from seeing the blush on my cheeks but the blush only grew stronger once I realised he was shirtless. his finger was suddenly hooked under my chin forcing me to look up to him. he leaned closer to me so his lips were gently brushing over mine. just when I thought he was about to kiss me his phone went of. DAMN #SexualTension.

***a few minuets later***

we soon arrive at a mall which let me tell you was extremely far. I'm guessing when he said that this house is in the middle of no where he really did mean NO WHERE . only a few shops were open as it was already quite late. we were just going to get Jonah some clothes as he came here thinking that the clothes he left here would fit him....they really didn't. we both got out of the car and walked into the mall. very small mall. like 12 shops small. after walking past a few shops we finally decided on going into one that had some decent clothing in. Jonah and I parted ways to look for clothes. I picked up a few shirts and after about 10 minuets we reunited at the changing rooms.  I dumped all of the clothes into Jonahs hands and shoved him into the changing rooms. After a few minuets he came out in one of the tops I chose , a white polka dot top. "I'm not really feeling it"~Jonah admits truthfully. "neither am I to be honest"~Kiara he went back in and came out in a light pink top. "u look like a big lump of fish"~i managed to say between giggles. "hey stop laughing its not funny. bloody hell half of our convos today are made up of u laughing at me"~Jonah "salmon..."~Kiara "that's it I'm changing"~Jonah. after a few more rounds of Jonah trying on clothes he finally came out in a black t-shirt."that's more like it. colours aint your thing r they"~Kiara "hey I do wear colours "~Jonah "yh when all ur black clothes r in the wash"~Kiara

***30 mins later***

after Jonah bought like 5 of the same black tops and 2 pairs of black jeans we left the mall. we were now walking to a small ice cream shop that Jonah claims has the best ice-cream. we left the car at the house and decided to walk instead. "ughhh my feet"~Kiara "were almost there"~Jonah "thank bloody god"~Kiara. and as he said a few minuets later we were inside a surprisingly warm ice cream shop. Jonah ordered for both of us as I really couldn't decide. he came back with 2 ice creams. one pink one and one yellow one. "which one do you want? strawberry skittles or mango"~Jonah "hmmmm.....mangoooo plez"~Kiara he handed me the cone and we walked out of the shop hand in hand. "jonahhhh my feeettt"~Kiara "blumin hell."~Jonah I sat down on the floor and crossed my hands  ."my feet hurttttt , go on without me . ill be fine"~Kiara Jonah looked down at me and offered me his hand. "no. my feet hurt call a taxi"~Kiara "how about I give you a piggy back ride"~Jonah and the next thing we know I'm on his back as he walked down the road."where we goinn?"~Kiara I said whilst eating my ice cream. "shhhh almost there"~Jonah after a few minuets of me whining we arrived at a little play ground. it was really out of place but it was cute.

ok so from here on ima try and have things speed up abit so from here on its mainly Jonah and Kiara's story. :)

word count = 1147


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