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for all of you guys who don't remember who anna is she is max (kiaras brother's) girlfriend , the girl who was in a coma. don't worry she is no longer in one she has healed fully :) forgot to mention that .

kiara's pov

*** two days later***

a awfully loud buzzing sound woke me up. i tried to reach out for my phone on the night stand even though my eyes were closed but instead i just knocked it of and onto the floor. groaning , i rubbed my eyes and looked over the edge of the bed to see my phone on the floor face down.

i tried to grab it but my fingertips barely touched the corner of it. it was hard to grab it considering the large arm rapped around my waist....

"JONAH GET OF ME"~Kiara "five more minuets"~Jonah replied pulling me further into his chest.


girl we all know you want to stay in bed...with Jonah


mmmm 1 more hour of sleeping with Jonah .YOUR BOYFRIEND

piss of

"jonahhhhhh i need to grab my phone"~kiara

"so grab it"~Jonah muttered not loosening his grip on me.

oh i forgot to mention. ever since Jonah and i started dating he hasn't allowed me to sleep in my own bed in my room. i have been forced to sleep in his room....not that im complaining. ;)

flashback: (2 hours after they got out the shower and dried up)

i walked into my room and jumped onto my fluffy bed ignoring the fuzzy feeling in my stomach. i inhaled the scent of vanilla and strawberrys as i tried to drift of to sleep. after a few mere seconds of peace my body was yanked backwards by two arms

before i could scream a hand clamped itself over my mouth. i looked up at Jonah and immediately relaxed in his hold. "princess what are you doing"~Jonah i shoved his hand off me and got out of his hold. "uhhh sleeping"

he responded by rolling his eyes . "ugh u know what i mean why are you sleeping here" "because its my room" i replied in a 'duh' tone. "no" .. WHAT IS THIS BOY ON "no? what do u mean no". "i mean no ur not staying here".....WHAT "ur kicking me out" WTF I THOUGHT HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND "yes....WAIT NO im not kicking you out...your sleeping with me in my room"~Jonah











"no Jonah im not"

"yes you are kiara"~Jonah he then grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder walking to HIS room.

"put me down!!!"

"no" he replied in a high pitch voice mimicking me. "i do not sound like that" i muttred hitting him on the back "oh yes you do" he said again in a high pitch voice "yea and im Jonah marais i think its ok to pick up girls and fling them over my shoulder" "my voice is not that deep"~Jonah . he put me down and pouted. i looked around to see that we were already in his room.

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