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*** in the ENGLAND airport***

yesterday Jonah and I packed all of our stuff into 2 separate suit cases. on the flight here I explained everything to him and told him what to do and what not to do in front of my brother and anna . I also had to explain who anna was. we were currently in Starbucks drinking our coffee while we waited for anna to pick us up. my phone bleeped indicating i had received a message.

'im outside hurry up'

I grabbed Jonah and we made our way outside. max's car wasn't hard to miss since it was a massive black range rover. we walked over to it as the drivers door opened revealing anna. she looked much healthier than the last time I saw her in hospital. her hair had grown and now reached her mid waist. it was dyed a lighter brown complimenting her pale skin and bright blue eyes.

she looked up at us and ran over to me enveloping me in a chocking hug.

"FINALLY YOU GUYS TOOK YOUR TIME"~anna tears started making their way out my eyes as I hugged her back just as tight. im so glad she is fine and healthy.

"babe don't cry, im fine now"~anna whispered pulling away from me.

"I missed you so much"~kiara "awww its ok. well aren't you going to introduce me to this handsome guy"~anna."Jonah this is anna my brothers girlfri- fiancé and anna this is Jonah my umm boyfriend"~kiara "AWWW YOU TWO ARE SO CUTEEE"~anna I looked over to Jonah to see that the tips of his ears were pink . when he looked over to me I just winked at him. 'your blushing' I mouthed to him making his ears turn a darker red while he shot me a glare.

"aww . guys we got to go max is going to be wondering where we are . also kiara he is totally a keeper and damn u know how to pick a boy "~anna said winking causing me to turn red. we started walking over to the car . "look whos blushing now "~Jonah whispered in my ear from behind. knowing my face would heat up more I dropped it down allowing my hair to fall around it .

Jonah took my suit case away from me and put it in the back of the car while I made my way over to the passenger seat. a few seconds later I heard the back door open as Jonah got into the car.

"so how did you both meet"~anna asked pulling out of the parking lot. "well it was on the way over from England. we ended up sitting next to eachother and we just clicked"~kiara "AWWWW"~anna "yeah she couldn't resist me and my good looks "~Jonah said winking at me through the rear view mirror. I turned around and punched him on the arm .

"aww well I don't know what were going to do about max. we have two options. we bring Jonah in and force him to allow Jonah to stay....OR we ring him now and explain everything to him then ask him if its ok to bring Jonah "~anna "ani we both know that option two wont work. he will just get mad and kick Jonah out "~kiara

" we just bring Jonah in?...that wont work"~anna "we could just bring Jonah in and force him to let Jonah stay while talking to him and explaining everything"~kiara "guys im still here"~Jonah

"hush my child"~anna .

after a few more minuets of joking around we finally pulled up to our old house. "England is so cool"~Jonah "we haven't even showed u around yet."~anna

we all got out of the car and grabbed our suit cases. according to anna max was home so that didn't give us much time to prepare were winging it and lets hope no one ends up with broken bones just yet. anna unlocked the front door as we all piled up into the kitchen.

all the old memories of mom and dad started to pile up and cloud my memory. words cant describe how much I miss my mum, you should never take things for granted. my mum was everything to me . I never thought of her as my mother because she was more like a sister to me , a bestfriend , a guardian angel... a role model. she was beautiful with black hair and green eyes that were just as mesmerizing gas max's.

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