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Megan's POV

I tucked the $100 into my wallet, mentally shaking my head at my boss' friends. I wasn't sure what to think about this. I still wasn't even sure exactly who she was dating. I'd seen her kiss Sebastian but I'd also seen her lightheartedly dancing with Chris in the kitchen.

"Did Baz just try to bribe you?" Lizzie asked when I walked back over to the girls.

"Yup. I'm not supposed to let Sadie have any tequila tonight," I said, glancing over at where Sadie was laughing with Scarlett about something at the end of the island. "I don't know how I'm supposed to do that, do you?"

"She's in a good mood, Meg – I don't think it'll be an issue tonight, but I can help you if you need it."

I gave Lizzie a long look before deciding she was being serious. "Good, because I'm sensing there's a story involved and I'm okay with not knowing right now."

"You're a better person than I am because I still want to know the whole story. It's from a while ago - back when I first met Sadie - so I only know bits and pieces."

"Okay. I just need to check my makeup before we leave, Lizzie."

I was kind of working tonight, kind of not. I'd never been to any of the clubs on the list for tonight and without Sadie and the others I never would be. They were all known to be very exclusive, so it was a better alternative for celebrities than the average nightclub or bar. No one would be going crazy over them and the bouncers would keep out the paparazzi, according to Mike and Josh, who'd helped me arrange everything, including the limo. There were a lot of us, so that was easier than trying to keep track of 2 Ubers. 

"Where are we going first?" Lizzie asked, walking with me back to the living room.

"Provac? Or is it too early for that one? You tell me - I'm just a peasant - I've never been to any of these before."

"Way too early. What do I get to pick from?"

I handed her my phone and went to check myself out in the bathroom while she decided. "Well?" I asked when I came back out, slipping fluffing my hair gently. "What did you guys decide?"

Lizzie pointed at one I wasn't familiar with. "This one - I love karaoke! My sister said she'll meet us at Provac later since she's in town. "

"Me too - I love singing. Not saying I'm any good or anything, I just like doing it. I just wasn't sure about everyone else. Which sister?"

"Ashley; Mary Kate's in LA right now. The whole team likes to do karaoke. If you can get Chris to do it, even better."

"He sings?"

"Nope. That's why it's so fun."

"You're evil, aren't you?" I asked, finishing my drink.

"Are my devil horns sticking out again?" Lizzie asked as she patted her updo. "I thought I had those hidden pretty damn well tonight."

I snorted. "Well, I still haven't been able to find my halo since the last bachelorette party I went to, so I've got no room to talk."

"So are we going to talk about why you have a picture of Chris and Baz's abs on your phone?" Lizzie said, holding up my phone so everyone could see it.

"Snooping were we? I wasn't gone that long," I said, feeling my face flush again.

"Just a little. I added you on my Snapchat and Insta."

"Thanks. I still don't have everyone yet. Anyways, they wanted to know who has the better abs – and I'm not telling them what I think. Do you think I should I put it on Instagram?"

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