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Chris' POV

"The hot chocolate's really good tonight," Megan said, blowing on the steaming drink.

"Can I try it?" I asked, looking down at her, an idea coming to me.

"As long as you don't backwash," she replied as she held her white Styrofoam cup out for me to take. I just held onto it, not taking it from her, making her look questioningly up at me just as I leaned in for a gentle but thorough kiss, tasting the hot chocolate on her lips.

"You're right – it is good," I murmured against her lips just before I pulled back and smiled.

She stared at me in shock. "I can't believe you did that."

"Couldn't help myself," I said with a shrug, handing her back the cup. From the corner of my eye I saw Sadie smiling and pretending to ignore us, keeping Isaac from noticing.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Megan really knew her football when she loudly expressed her disapproval of a questionable call against Liam's team.

She noticed my look and rolled her eyes. "What? I've got several brothers and all of them played. How could I not learn when I was drafted into helping them run through plays in our backyard?"

"That settles it. Marry me?"

"Not a chance, Evans. I've known you for what – two weeks? Frozen taught me that you can't marry a man you just met."

"You didn't just meet me," I protested. "And you can't possibly know Disney better than me."

"Doesn't change my answer. How about a friendly competition?"

"Fine – but I'm going to win again. You can't possibly be more of a Disney nerd than I am."

"That sounds like a challenge to me," Sadie said with a laugh. "You sure you want to challenge him again, Megan? Last time didn't work out so well for you."

"Yup. Rematch time. I know my Disney."

"Fine by me," I agreed. "After you get to my place in California we'll have a rematch."

"You need that much prep time?" she teased. "Oooh, I think one of my bunny slippers just ran for cover."

I laughed and put my arm around her. "What are the stakes this time?"

"I'll get back to you on that – What! Are you blind? That was textbook holding!" she shouted as another bad call was made.

"All right, Disney argument later – football now," I said, shaking my head at her. If I hadn't liked her before, she definitely would've gotten my attention now. It was like she was made for me: beautiful, loyal, likes football and Disney - and knows how to have a good time.

Liam's team won 46-45 in the last minute. It was a great game and I was really glad I had a chance to see Liam play. Hopefully next year I'd have more time to see his games. So far I hadn't committed to anything next fall, so maybe I could make it work out.

"Hot tub when we get back?" I asked as we waited to talk to Liam after the game. "I still can't feel my butt."

"Yeah," Sadie said, wrapped in her blanket and leaning into my side. "I haven't drained it yet for the year. Megan, remind me to call someone to come winterize my hot tub next week. Justin used to do it himself but I don't think he taught the boys how to do it. At least he taught them how to turn on the hot water heat because I never understood what he did every year."

Megan nodded and opened Notes to jot that down. "Got it. I didn't even notice you had one. Where is it?"

"It's out back, right next to the house, but the landscaping conceals it, so if you don't know it's there you won't see it right away."

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