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Megan's POV

"Sadie - you're never gonna guess who I met today in Edinburg!" I said as I took off my coat in Sebastian's trailer and hung it up.

"Who?" she asked distractedly. "Prince William or Prince Harry?"

"Not a royal," I laughed. "Guess again!"

She set her phone down and thought for a minute tapping her finger against her chin. "That British singer... whatshisname...Ed Sheeran?"


Sadie looked surprised. "How on earth did you manage to meet him?"

"I walked into him on my way out of the doctor's office," I admitted, flushing again.

"Like you didn't see him ran smack into him kind of run into or the 'hey - are you Ed Sheeran' kind of run into?" Sadie asked, giving me the benefit of the doubt. Honestly I think she was just trying to make me feel better about my klutziness.

"The first," I sighed, sitting down at the table across from her and reaching for my coffee cup. "It's always the first one with me. Dropped my phone and my headphones came unplugged and Tequila by Dan + Shay started blaring. It was epic."

Epically embarrassing - if there was someone cool, gorgeous, or famous I was going to manage to meet them in the most embarrassing way possible - just like I had with Chris and Tom and now Ed.

"What did the doctor say?" Sadie asked worriedly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Just that I'm supposed to take it easy for a couple more days, avoid stairs whenever possible, and absolutely no lifting anything heavier than my purse."

"Everything else looked good?" Her eyes swept over me, concern in their golden brown depths.

"Yeah, a couple very minor separations on the biggest seam but nothing that won't resolve itself with time. Good thing I brought my medical file on a flash drive - thanks for the idea, boss."

"Can't hurt to be prepared," Sadie said, looking relieved. "I'm glad you're okay. Tom was really worried - you should text him later since he's not here today." I nodded, already having thought of that. Sadie took a long drink of her coffee and smiled at me. "Now tell me all about Ed."

"He wants me to come into the studio this weekend and record a couple songs with him. He's going to text me pictures of the sheet music so I can practice!"

"That's great, Megan! He knew who you were?"

"Yeah - surprised the hell out of me. Turns out he's friends with Shawn and he said nice things about me to Ed. He's been enjoying the Roomie Chronicles - one of his friends that knows Tom showed it to him."

Sadie laughed. "Who doesn't enjoy your Chronicles? They're hilarious - and if I wasn't there for half of them I probably wouldn't have believed how accident prone you are."

"I did NOT break a shoe this time."

Sadie looked down at my feet and laughed. "You're wearing flats, honey."

"I know. That's the safest kind of shoe for me right now."

"Very true. I can't wait to hear the songs! You better call Chris and let him know - this could be huge for you, Meg."

"I know, I know! He's such a cool, down to earth guy, too."

"What was he doing here in Edinburg?" Sadie asked. "I thought I heard somewhere that he lives in London now."

"He said he was going to meet up with a friend for breakfast before they had to leave for a stag party - isn't that like a bachelor party?"


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