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Chris' POV

As we stood in the wings, waiting for Ellen to announce us, I felt the familiar surge of adrenaline as my heartrate quickened in anticipation. This was nothing new for Seb, Sadie and me, but I was still anxious anyway. Megan was beside me, almost visibly trembling with stage fright.

I put my arm around her shoulders and leaned down to whisper in her ear letting my Boston accent really come out because I knew she liked it. "It'll be okay. Think of her as that nosy aunt that always hasta know what everyone's doin all the freaking time."

She gave me a tremulous smile and nodded, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. Seb and Sadie were going first because Ellen wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about their relationship and most likely Seb's Instagram posts.

"And now we have my favorite movie couple, Sebastian Stan and Sadie Wilson, who play Bucky Barnes and Evelyn in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I ship Bucklyn so hard I know I can't wait for my next fix. I'm like a junkie for this kind of relationship - it's horrible."

"It's good to be back here again, Ellen," Sebastian said, kissing her hand with a crooked grin.

"Yes – this is much so much better than the last time I was here," Sadie said with a smile, hugging Ellen before taking a seat next to Sebastian.

"The last time I had you both together on my show was right after the shooting in Munich."

"Yes, it was," Sebastian said, nodding and putting his arm behind Sadie, laying it across the back of the couch to angle himself towards her a little more.

"Sadie, since then you've become a household name and are currently working on your third Marvel movie, is that right?"

"It is. We're in the early production phase of this one. I can't tell you the title yet because Marvel hasn't officially released it, but I can say we're going to see a lot more of Bucky and Evelyn in this one, along with a scruffy Steve."

"Sacrilege! A bearded Steve Rogers?" Ellen raised her eyebrows at that one, making me smile.

"I feel the same way – it's a sin to hide that jawline, isn't it, Ellen?" Sadie said with a smirk, getting a loud affirmation from the crowd.

"Speaking of Steve Rogers, we have Chris Evans here today as well." I waved to the crowd and I went to give Ellen a hug, picking her up off the ground and making her laugh.

"Boy, you really do sweep women off their feet! If I wasn't happily married, Chris, I tell ya."

"It's good to see you too, Ellen," I said, setting her down carefully. "Thanks for having me."

She reached up to pat my cheek. "Always a charmer." I sat down on the other side of Sadie, waiting for Ellen to continue. "Sebastian, I was checking out your Instagram the other day and happened to find this beauty. Mind telling us what this picture's about?" She indicated the picture of our abs that Megan had posted as the audience went wild. Ellen's audiences were always loud, but this was even louder than normal.

Sebastian gave Ellen his signature smirk. "I could, but it's much more amusing coming from my new roommate, Megan Jones. She's the one who took the picture to begin with."

"Let's meet her then." That was Megan's cue and she walked out from the side of the stage, smiling and waving at the audience to applause. She clasped hands with Ellen briefly before coming to sit down next to me, the four of us tight on the couch.

"Megan, what can you tell me about this picture?"

Megan brushed her hair back nervously. "Well, Ellen - thanks for having me - and to give you a little background, this all started because Chris and Sebastian wanted to know who had the nicer abs and Sadie and I refused to answer."

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