Megan's POV
I took a couple pictures of the group having fun as I waited for my drink. I slipped off my shrug, feeling a little overheated after all that exertion. I heard my name and turned to see Tom Hiddleston coming up next to me. He ordered a drink as I people watched, taking it all in and turning back to him when I was aware of his eyes on me.
"Hey Tom. Are you having fun?" I said, looking up at him. He was quite handsome, with his reddish brown hair slightly mussed and his smiling blue eyes focused on me, a grin spreading across his face.
"I am. Going out with this lot is certainly never dull."
"I'm sure not," I laughed as we watched Paul toss Emily over his shoulder and spin her until they were both dizzy. "Is this normal?"
"Perhaps a definition of that word is in order," he said, taking a drink. "But yes, this is actually quite normal for a team night out." Another slow song came on and he held his hand out to me. "Megan, might I have the pleasure of this dance?"
"Of course Tom," I replied, taking his hand in mine. We stopped at the table we'd been using by the edge of the dance floor so we could set our drinks down. Draping my shrug on a chair, I let him tug me onto the floor. Pivoting smoothly, I took his hand, stepping closer and resting my other hand on his bicep as he set one hand on my waist. I followed his lead easily; I'd had enough to drink that I just let myself move with him - he was an excellent dancer, very light on his feet. I wasn't even sure what style of dance we were doing - I never remembered the names. I just knew this wasn't the usual slow dance that could be done on one square of the floor.
"Your dance earlier was quite interesting. I've never seen anything like that before," Tom said, looking down at me with a little smile.
"We call it a jitterbug back home, but that's not really what it is. I feel like I should have picked higher heels tonight," I said, attempting to look up at him without leaning back and putting myself off balance. "You're a lot taller than I am."
"I think you look delightful in those ones, Megan. If you feel small beside me, you should meet Chris."
"Which one? Pine, Pratt or Hemsworth? I've learned there's a lot of Chris' in your line of work."
"Hemsworth," he said with a smile. "You've been doing your homework."
"Why thank you, Thomas," I said, mimicking his accent. "I've been trying. I do love listening to you speak, but you probably get that a lot here in the States." I felt him chuckle as I looked around for Sadie, seeing her dancing with Chris about 10 feet away, laughing and talking as they moved in sync and I had to remind myself yet again of the many reasons why I shouldn't be attracted to Chris. Instead, I tried to focus on the handsome man I was currently dancing with.
"You're very convincing. Do you think you can keep it up for the rest of the night?"
I grinned and looked back up at him, staying in the accent. "Oooh, a wager? How delightful! Whatever should the stakes be?"
"Hmm, allow me to think on that. There has to be a winner, of course."
"Of course! It isn't a wager if there isn't, but I think if I'm to be British, then you have to be American so we're equally challenged."
"I can do that," he said, changing his smooth baritone to be more American.
I laughed, hearing that he wasn't quite there yet. "Try that again, Thomas. I'm afraid that attempt simply won't pass muster."
"Are you mocking me, vexing mortal?" he said, standing taller and taking on Loki's voice, wiping the smile from his face.
I only giggled, enjoying the conversation. "Loki isn't American either, Thomas. Try again."

Not Without You [Chris Evans]
RomanceLove isn't finding someone you can live with; it's finding someone you can't live without. ***This book will be archived after Finding Forever is completely back up again because that means this book will have been integrated into Finding Forever. *...