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Megan's POV

I watched the scenery as Chris drove, my hand engulfed by his larger one and his thumb lightly rubbing absently over the back of my hand, smiling as I exclaimed over cute holiday decorations. I didn't know what to expect but when he took another turn and slowed a little, I knew we were getting close. It was a nice, upscale neighborhood that was just picture perfect.

"Do you need both of your suitcases tonight?" Chris asked as he parked in the attached garage of a decent sized white ranch style house.

"No, just the smaller one," I said, getting out of the car carefully so I didn't drop the container of food Lisa had insisted we take with us when we left. "The other is all wardrobe. I didn't know what I all needed to bring so I'm prepared for all kinds of weather."

He took my smaller suitcase out of the back end and carried it to the door, pausing to enter the unlock code before setting it inside the door and moving aside so I could enter.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, shutting the door behind us. I knew why he was asking but I wanted him just as much as he wanted me right now. I'd waited all day for this moment and I suddenly couldn't stand waiting any longer.

"Not for food," I replied with a grin. He took the Tupperware from me and put it in the fridge so I could take off my shoes and coat. The minute they were off I was pulled close for a sweetly passionate kiss.

"Up," he murmured, warning me a moment before he swept me off my feet and carried me to what I assumed was his bedroom without breaking the kiss or running into anything. He set me back on my feet, pulling back from my lips long enough to growl, "I missed you so damn much, baby."

"Same," I said as I claimed his lips again, my fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt and pushing it off him. He found the hem of my dress and pulled it up and off me, tossing it aside. His hands cupped my breasts, kneading them through the fabric of my bra before unclasping it and tossing it aside.

My hands slowly traveled the vast expanse of his torso, rememorizing every ridge and valley of his hard muscles. When I reached his jeans, I slid my fingers under the hem of his underwear, feeling him suck in a breath when I touched the more sensitive skin of his lower abdomen. I started working to free him of his jeans and sliding them of his hips, wanting his clothes out of the way.

His fingers slid under my leggings, tugging lightly on the waistband and I knew he wanted me to take them off now; if he did it they wouldn't survive the experience. His hands were just rough enough to snag the thin fabric and ruin them accidentally. I hurried to slide the leggings and my panties off and stepped out, setting them aside as Chris turned back to me, having  already divested himself of his jeans and underwear.

I loved looking at him like this, his whole body on display just for me, ink and all. He pulled me close, kissing me again as he steadily backed me to the bed before picking me up by the hips and letting me wind my legs around his waist, trapping his hard cock between us.

Hot desire pooled in my belly as our tongues teased and stroked each other. I couldn't wait any longer, so I took matters into my own hands. I was already so wet for him that with a wriggle of my hips, the tip of his cock slid inside me easily. He groaned quietly against my lips as he sank into me, his muscles tightening under my hands. I gasped in pleasure, sinking my fingertips into his biceps, it felt so good to have him inside me again. He slowly filled me, giving me a moment to adjust to his girth before he started moving.

It was like we were suddenly both on fire and you'd think it had been weeks since we'd seen each other instead of days. He caressed my breasts, rolling, tweaking the tightly furled nipples as I arched my back and moaned. He effortlessly lifted me higher to take my breasts into his mouth as he teased me with longer, slower strokes before picking up the pace again.

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