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Chris' POV

"Sebastian, why on earth were you carrying my girlfriend through Comic-Con?" I asked when he came back over for the panel they were going to be starting any time now.

"How'd you find out so fast?" he asked, looking at me in astonishment. "I literally just set her down a couple minutes ago and came right here. I thought my handler was going to have kittens if I was late."

"Mackie," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. "He texted me a picture as you went by his booth."

Seb shrugged. "She rolled her ankle pretty bad when her shoe broke and we weren't going to leave her behind."

Of course that would happen to her; she had the worst luck with shoes lately. "Is she all right?"

"Yeah, it's just a little sore," he explained, patting me on the back. "One of the workers is finding her some ice for it. If she can't walk on it by lunch time we'll make her get it checked out. I'm pretty sure she added it to the Chronicles already - she thought it was funny."

I was very thankful Megan had a good sense of humor about her horrible luck. "Seb, you do realize I only got Instagram to see what you guys post, right?"

"It's about damn time you did old man," he said with a smirk. "Now you can't say Megan keeps things from you."

I scowled at him. "Just because she thought she told me something doesn't mean she actually told me!"

Sebastian shrugged noncommittally. "She's female, punk. No matter what, you're gonna be wrong." He looked at me consideringly for a moment. "Are you grumpy because she got hurt again or because she didn't tell you?"

"Both," I sighed.

"Thought so," he remarked as his smirk widened.

They were calling his name now so he turned to walk up on the panel stage, waving to his fans. I sighed and put on my public persona; worrying about my accident prone girlfriend would have to wait until I had some free time again, which wouldn't be for a couple hours.

* *

"You did great today, Chris," Megan said, smiling up at me. "I loved the panel."

"It was better, having you there today," I said, taking her hand in mine as we walked back into the hotel, cameras flashing around us.

We'd had to have extra security in place since a lot of us were at this Comic-Con for the release of the newest Marvel trailer - which looked awesome. Megan wasn't an unknown anymore and had attracted her fair share of fans already, which meant she hadn't been able to move around and blend into the crowds like Mark and Josh could. She'd stayed close to Sadie today, a little unnerved by the amount of people that wanted her picture or autograph too.

"I agree," Sadie said from my other side. "You didn't have a single episode today."

"I didn't," I realized. "How's your ankle, baby?"

"A little stiff, but I'll be fine by tomorrow. I can't believe my boot heel broke," Megan grumped. "Those were my favorite ones, too!"

"Are you ready for your interview?" Sadie asked her with a grin as we waited for the elevator. "Remember to tell her I'm a fire-breathing dragon for a boss."

My publicist had set up the interview I'd asked her for a week ago with People magazine after the last panel today. The reporter was meeting us at our hotel; it'd taken a fair amount of convincing for Megan to agree to it. She was okay with the public knowing about our relationship, but this was really making it official, in a manner of speaking.

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