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Megan's POV

"Break a leg," I told Chris, giving him a quick peck. "Have I ever told you how much I love a man in uniform?"

"Maybe once or twice," he chuckled, kissing me again. "I'll see you after the show, baby. Looks like it's about time to finish getting ready."

"Love you."

"Love you more," he said, reluctantly letting me go so I could go back to my seat. Sadie was waiting when I made it there, having arrived while I was backstage. It had taken a little maneuvering on my part to get my schedule rearranged, but I'd really wanted to be see Chris' Broadway debut. I'd helped him rehearse so much I almost felt like I was part of the cast of Lobby Hero myself.

"I'm so nervous, Sadie - and I'm not even the one in the play!"

Sadie laughed and patted my arm, surprisingly not bothered by my jitters. "In the words of Hiddles, 'it'll be fine, darling'. You know it will be."

"I miss Tom," I sighed. "At least he'll be back in a month."

"Wow - you sure look nice tonight, Roşu," Sebastian said as he approached us. "What's the occasion?"

"Smartass," I giggled, distracted from my moping. He gestured for me to give him a spin, so I indulged him, the skirt of my new green dress floating around me as I twirled before settling again. "Thanks - Chris gave it to me."

"It suits you," Sadie said with a smile. "I love Chanel."

"I never knew I would - it's certainly growing on me. So how long are you guys going to be in town?" I asked as I perched on the edge of my seat, smiling at them. It felt like it had been forever since I'd seen them, but it had really only been a couple weeks since Chris and Sadie'd finished filming their movie together.

"Just the weekend. We couldn't miss opening night," Sadie assured me.

"And the mustache," Sebastian added with a chuckle. "I can't believe you let him have a fucking mustache!"

"I didn't let him," I groaned. "He lost the bet, so the beard had to go. He's the meatball who decided he wanted to keep a mustache for some unknown reason. Now he's gotta keep it for the entire run of the show because the director likes it."

"Do I want to know what the bet was about?" Sadie asked, quirking a brow at me.

"No!" I said blushing wildly and cursing myself for even mentioning it in front of them.

"I'm going to ask Chris later tonight," Sebastian said, giving me a slow, wicked grin - the one that reminded me of the Grinch getting an idea. "I have to know if it makes you blush like that, Roşu."

"He'd tell you, too," I muttered, flushing even more. I was certain I was almost as red as the theater's velvet seat cushions by now.

"I know he would," Sebastian laughed, putting his arm around Sadie and murmuring in her ear. She laughed and playfully squeezed his leg right on his ticklish spot, making him squirm and chuckle.

"So how's life at the lake," I asked as Sebastian took her hand in his, twining their fingers together.

"It's been good," Sadie said, looking up at him.

"I never thought I'd say it," Sebastian said, looking at Sadie but talking to both of us. "But I like being at the lake. I still miss the lights and noise of the city, don't get me wrong-"

"And the coffee shops on every corner," Sadie teased him with a soft smile.

"Yeah, those too," Sebastian laughed. "But I wouldn't change it for the world."

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