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Chris' POV

We'd just finished eating when the band started playing the same song I'd danced to with Megan for the first time. She noticed it too, her smile widening slightly.

"Did you do this?"

I merely held my hand out to her with a grin. "I believe this is my dance, Miss Jones."

"So it is, Mr Evans," she laughed, giving me her hand and linking fingers with me. Her eyes were sparkling as she tossed her hair back over her shoulders, giggling as I spun her easily while we made our way out onto the dance floor.

I starting guiding her through the moves, remembering the first time we'd danced like this. We'd always danced well together; Megan fit so perfectly in my arms and followed my lead instinctively. She went along with whatever move I started, a wide smile on her face the whole time. Her green eyes were more emerald than forest tonight, I determined as our eyes met time and again.

Megan laughed in delight as I flipped her and tossed her like we'd practiced before we went on Ellen; she said those moves were always her favorite. Her last spin as the song ended brought her back into my arms and I kissed her lightly. The music changed into a slower song and it took her only a couple bars to notice it was one of her own songs the band was playing. She pulled back enough to be able to see my face.

"Christopher Robin, you put them up to this, didn't you?"

"Maybe, Pooh Bear. Maybe," I said with a grin as I started moving her through the slower steps. "You belong here, in my arms."

"Hmm," she giggled. "I suppose I should just be happy you didn't call me Piglet."

"You are small," I teased her, kissing her nose to watch her make that cute little face. "I think I've loved you since the first time I held you in my arms."

"You mean the first time we danced together?" she asked with a little smile.

"No. Can I tell you something?"


I almost blurted out my proposal then and there, but at the last second I changed my mind. There were too many people looking at us with interest right now. "The first time we met, I made it so you'd run into me that day."

Megan's lips parted in disbelief. "Why?"

"I wanted to get a closer look at you and I could tell you weren't really watching where you were going."

"Do you do things like that a lot to meet girls?"

"Only you. I just knew I needed to meet you."

"You would've met me the next day no matter what when I met you guys for pizza," Megan pointed out. "Although that was the most relaxed interview I've had in a long time."

"You know, if Seb and I hadn't convinced Sadie she needed the help I never would have met you."

"Very true. So are you still glad you met me?"

"Yes," I said simply, covering her soft lips with mine, not caring what people thought. I pulled her closer, so close that I could feel her body heat through my clothes and the scent of her favorite vanilla sugar cookie lotion washed over me. When we finally broke the kiss the music had changed into another slow song. "Remember the first time we danced like this? I didn't want to let you go."

Megan smiled softly, stroking my face. "I didn't want you to, either - but you had to. I was with someone else at the time, so it didn't matter how attracted to you I was - nothing was going to happen between us."

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