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Megan's POV

I watched out the window of the rental car on the way to the set in Scotland, amazed at the sheer size of it - it certainly made the New York one look tiny. Chris drove right up to the gate and we were through moments later.

Chris gave me a long, lingering kiss before sending me off with Josh, who'd met us at the parking lot so he could show me around. I needed to learn where to go and who to talk to at this set - every one was a little different.

"It's about time you got here," Josh said, giving me a side hug. "He wouldn't let you come on ahead today?"

"Nope. I may have gotten cleared to come back to work as long as I don't over do it, but I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 pounds yet - or drive. The flight here was a killer," I said with a grimace, putting a hand over my lower abdomen.

"I see," Josh said, clearly curious about the whole situation. "Walk and talk - you can fill me in along the way - we've got a lot of ground to cover. Please just tell me if it gets to be too much or Chris will kill me."

"I will," I promised, knowing he was serious.

We went to get shooting directions for the day. Josh and I were just walking into hair and makeup when someone scooped me up into their arms. My eyes were still adjusting to the change in lighting, but it only took me a moment to figure out who it was; his familiar cologne gave it away.

"Hey Baz!"

"Hey roomie! Miss me?" Sebastian said with a wide grin.

"You're all scruffy again," I complained as I rubbed my hands over his beard. He laughed as he set back me down and I turned around to give him a proper hug, inhaling deeply. "Of course I missed you, dork! Where's Mark?"

"Getting me more coffee. I gotta go put on the arm yet."

"Have fun with your lube," I teased him and he rolled his eyes at me. I'd watched the process once and I didn't know how he did it all the time – it was so weird and uncomfortable looking.

"You know it. Better keep going – Josh is looking kinda anxious."

"All right. See you later, Baz." I turned to follow Josh, giving him an apologetic smile. "Sorry – are we still good on time?"

"Yeah. First day back together is always like that for everyone. It's like you and Sadie were on a short holiday without them or something."

"Good to know," I said, following him on the narrow trail between everything. "It kinda felt like it too; like I got to skip school for a couple weeks just because."

I was glancing around wide eyed at everything going on and looking for Sadie, so I was startled when someone else gave me a hug from behind, their arms leaner than Sebastian's but still muscular. I tipped my head back to meet a pair of greenish blue eyes and smiled widely.

"You scared me!" I said as I shifted to put my arms around Tom Hiddleston's waist and hug him back. "I wasn't expecting to see you yet today."

"Sorry, darling," Tom replied with a sheepish grin, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before letting go of me. "It's so good to see you again. What do you think of the outfit?"

"It's something else," I said with a smile, taking a step back to look him over. I noticed the way people were looking at me and flushed; I wasn't used to being the center of attention. "Have you seen Sadie?"

He gestured in the opposite direction I'd been looking. "She's at the far end, next to my Chris. I must finish getting ready, but shall I see you later?"

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