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Chris' POV

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding as my lips met hers. I'd fully expected her to move away from me at the last minute, but she hadn't. Just like she hadn't when I'd kissed her at the football game earlier tonight. I knew she wasn't indifferent to me - the way she leaned into the kiss proved that.

Megan brought one hand up, spearing her fingers in my hair. Her other hand lightly skimmed the muscles of my torso, her fingers tentatively exploring every ridge and valley. Her hesitant motions turned me on even more than I thought possible, leaving me achingly hard already.

My hands caressed her sleek curves, pressing her closer as I slowly moved us back without breaking the kiss. Her smooth legs caressed mine as she straddled me to ease the angle her neck was at, making her more comfortable. I felt her breathing hitch as I gradually dragged my thumbs up the side of her ribs. She moaned against my lips as I took her firm breasts into my hands, the thin fabric of her swimsuit no hindrance at all as my thumbs teased her erect nipples.

"God, you're so beautiful," I murmured as I slowly kissed down her neck, intent on tasting more of her sweet skin.

I easily freed one breast, taking the tightly furled nipple into my mouth as Megan gasped, her fingers tightening on my bicep and her back arching when I suckled harder. I freed her other breast and switched my attention to that mound, laving it thoroughly while my fingers rolled and tweaked the abandoned nipple until she couldn't handle the stimulation anymore, her breath coming in shallow pants interspersed with low moans of pleasure.

I captured her lips again as she slid down my torso and I pulled her close, my hand on her hip to keep her tight to me and trapping my aching cock between us. This woman was driving me crazy the way I wanted her, but somehow I managed to regain control and slow the kiss as I fought my need.

We were both breathing hard when she pulled away, resting her head on my shoulder, her fingers tracing the words on my clavicle before I covered her hand with my own. She slipped her hand free and stroked my beard lightly. I closed my eyes and savored her touch; letting her investigate my body freely. She kissed my neck lightly before nipping my collar bone.

"You know, I can't say I'm a fan of the beard," she said, working her way up my neck until she sucked on my earlobe, making me shudder as she tongued my ear. I hadn't known I liked that before now.

"Too bad - I have to keep it for a while yet."

I recaptured her lips briefly before resting my forehead on hers and staring into her eyes and seeing how blown her pupils were. Her eyes held mine as I rolled my hips against hers, rubbing my hard cock against her clit. She gasped my name, making me smile wickedly. She moaned when I repeated the motion, this time tweaking one nipple as well.

"Don't stop," she begged, a shudder running through her as I ground against her.

"You like that?" I rasped, not unaffected by the contact.

Her eyes closed as she nodded, arching her back slightly as I continued playing with her nipple. Her kisses became more demanding as I wound her up, her moans louder as she got closer to finding her release. I quickly changed tactics to send her over the edge, stroking her firmly through the thin fabric with my thumb instead, giving my now throbbing cock a much needed respite from the feel of her body on mine.

Her lips parted and her shocked eyes held mine as she shuddered in my arms, starting to climax from the intense stimulation. I smothered her cries with my lips as I battled my need to be inside her, my muscles tense as her whole body trembled against mine. 

"Am I dead?" she asked after she collapsed in boneless satiation onto me, her voice rough from all the vocalizing she'd been doing.

I wrapped my arms around her and chuckled. "No - not even close, babe." I kissed her temple, feeling her smile. "Should I take this to mean you accept my apology?"

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