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Megan's POV

The ride home from the theater was quiet. Tom had offered to drop Sadie off on the way to his hotel and Sebastian had agreed. I stared out the window, not really seeing the city lights; I certainly had plenty to think about. I didn't even notice when the car stopped to let us out at the apartment; Sebastian squeezed my knee lightly to get my attention. His amused expression told me he had probably been trying to get my attention for a little bit already. I stepped out of the car and walked over to punch in my access code, opening the door while Sebastian paid the driver.

"Did you have a nice night?" Sebastian asked when we got inside his building, linking my arm with his.

"I did. How about you? Sadie looked like she was enjoying herself with you." I pulled out my phone and showed him the pictures I'd taken earlier at the theatre.

"Yeah, it was a good night - other than the fangirl incident," he said with a smile. "When did you take these?"

"Right before Sadie took my picture with Tom when we first got to the box. I really like how they turned out."

"Did you post them?" he asked, opening his front door and holding it for me.

I gave him an affronted look. "No. They're just for you and Sadie." I brushed past him, hurt that he thought I'd put something up that would make Sadie upset.

He caught my hand, stopping me as he shut the door. "I'm sorry, Roşu. My mouth got ahead of my brain."

I pulled my hand back. "It'd be different if you were officially dating – then I would've - but you're not, so I won't. Night, Baz."

I quickly slipped off my shoes and walked down the hallway to my bedroom, setting my shoes and clutch inside and grabbing my robe before heading to the bathroom. I stripped, putting my clothes in the hamper before getting into the shower, washing off my make up and getting the product out of my hair.

I found myself thinking about Chris and Tom, deciding that I'd just see where things went for now. I still wasn't sure what to think about Chris; he'd kissed me several more times since Sunday, and each time was even better. I still wasn't convinced that Chris would be a good choice right now, but my biggest concern was that I was too attracted to both of them to think clearly.

Chris had texted me on the way home but I hadn't responded, mostly because I didn't know what I wanted to say to him. We were leaving town tomorrow and I wouldn't see him for two weeks.

Sebastian was in the kitchen looking at his phone when I went to get myself a drink of water before bed. Something about his posture convinced me he'd been waiting for me, so I got a glass out of the cabinet and went over to the fridge to put ice water in it. I liked cold water before bed for some reason.

"Are you still mad at me?" he asked right before I left the kitchen, setting his phone down.

I paused and turned back to him. "No. I get why you asked. I just thought you knew me better now. This isn't like the other day when we were goofing around and it only affected us."

"I do, and I'm glad you understand why I was concerned. Thanks for coming with tonight; Sadie was happy you both were there and that show was really something else."

"Yeah, I loved the show – I'm really glad we got to see it before we left town."

"And Tom?" Sebastian handed me his phone and I looked down to see a picture of me leaning on Tom, his arm around me as we watched the second half of the show. "I sent it to you both...he really likes you."

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