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Chris' POV

I sighed heavily, frustrated as hell. When I'd informed Sadie of my desire to invite Megan over for dinner Saturday night, I hadn't expected her to invite Sebastian, Lizzie and Tom over as well for a dinner party....or for her to steal Megan for the entire day so they could spend it at the most exclusive spa Lizzie could get them into.

I loved Sadie to distraction but I honestly wanted to strangle her right now.

"You don't have to cook, doll," I grumbled, feeling guilty for my uncharacteristic thought. "I can order in from someplace."

Sadie patted my cheek with a grin, amused for some reason. "It's fine, Chris. Lizzie and Megan are going to help. Besides, you're in charge of grilling the steaks Sebastian's bringing over."

"So is there a reason you've decided we need to have a dinner party?" I asked her, pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes.

"It was Megan's idea." She was taking another drink of her coffee when I reopened my eyes and lowered my hand. "We decided it last night after she told me that you'd asked her over. Sebastian and I weren't really doing anything, so I just reminded Megan that Lizzie wanted to be there when she watched Ultron." She shrugged. "Might as well kill two birds with one stone."

"Why'd you invite Tom? Not that I don't get along with him but this was supposed to be our date, Sadie Marie Wilson."

She gave me an enigmatic smile - the one I hated the most because it meant she was up to something. "Yes, I know. You'll see, babe. I didn't do it to annoy you, I promise."

I crossed my arms and exhaled loudly, scowling at her. "I question your dubious reasons, doll."

"I know you do now, but you'll thank me later. Have I ever knowingly steered you wrong or sabotaged your plans without a very good reason?"

"No, but there's always a first time for everything."

She snorted and took a drink of her coffee. "Since when are you such a pessimist? Blue balls must really be getting to you."

I just stared at her, very glad I hadn't just taken a drink when she said that.

She raised one delicate eyebrow. "I'll take your lack of answer as a yes, then. You've been grumpy since yesterday and it wasn't because you didn't get enough sleep, so do us all a favor and go get your run in with Scott and Dodger and jerk yourself off in the shower."

"Sadie!" I choked as I flushed beet red. I couldn't believe she just said that!

"What? I'm not helping you with your little problem." She smirked as set her empty mug in the sink.

"It's not a little problem, Sadie," I felt compelled to say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Chris, you know I don't care how big your cock is," she laughed. "But I'm pretty sure you don't need my praise."

"At least give me a hint, doll. Please?"

Sadie sighed heavily, pausing in the doorway before turning around slowly and walking back over to me. "Let's just say this is an excellent way for you to show her how you really act when you're not being a jealous idiot. If you screw it up this time, I can't help you, Chris - so don't be a jealous idiot!"

I pulled her in for a tight hug, burying my face in her loose hair. "Thank you, Sadie. Love you."

"Love you more, you big dork. When I see you this afternoon you better be the Chris we all know and love again."

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