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Chris' POV

I smiled when Megan made me take a selfie with her in her generic hospital garb and blue hairnet even though there was nothing to smile about. She believed everything was going to turn out fine, so I was trying hard to see the glass half full. After she posted the picture, she handed me her phone to put in my pocket for safekeeping.

"Will you hang on to this for me, too?" She asked as she reached up and took off her necklace, which hadn't left her neck since the moment I'd given it to her other than when she showered. "I don't want to risk losing it. Pretty sure it's not cubic zirconium."

"It's not," I agreed with a chuckle, putting it into my pocket carefully. "Love you," I said, trying to keep the desperation from creeping into my voice as I cupped her face, giving her a kiss. "Love you so much, baby."

She looked at me closely, and I knew I hadn't fooled her one bit. "Don't you go getting all emotional on me, Evans. I'll be back before you have time to miss me annoying you," she said, putting her arms around my waist like she always did and resting her head on my chest. "Are your babysitters here yet?"

I snorted at her phrasing. "Seb and Mackie just texted me to say they're here."

"Megan Jones?" A nurse wearing blue scrubs said, knocking before she came into the room.

"That's me," Megan said, loosening her grip on me and turning slightly to look at the nurse. I wasn't ready to let go of her just yet and kept my arms around her, just savoring the feel of her in my arms.

"We're ready for you. I'll be taking you back to surgery now and a liaison will come for Mr Evans shortly."

"Okay. See you soon, Chris," she said as she hugged me once more, kissing my neck. "Love you."

"Love you more," I whispered as I held her tight; it was harder than I thought, letting her go right now - but I had to. I stood there watching as Megan walked away with the nurse into a restricted section. She glanced back once before she turned a corner, giving me a quick smile and wave when she saw me watching before she was out of sight completely.

I was only alone for a minute before another woman came walking up to me, a tablet in hand. She was tall and blond, the kind of girl I used to go for - before Megan.

"Are you Mr Evans?" she asked, looking at me curiously, the Georgia twang in her voice telling me she was a local.

"Yeah. I'm Chris," I said, holding out a hand that she took, shaking firmly.

"Nice to meet you, Chris. I'm Amy and I've been assigned to you as your liaison. We've got a private waiting room set up already. I've been told there are two men in the waiting area that said they're with you and Miss Jones. Are y'all expecting anyone else?"

"Not that I know of yet," I said, smoothing my beard. "Megan's parents are stuck in Denver waiting on the storm to pass and no one else is back yet from the holiday. This wasn't exactly something we had planned." I followed her through the maze of hallways, thoroughly lost.

"No, I understand that it wasn't." She stopped by a door with a small window in it. "Are those two men in the hats the ones I'm looking for?" She pointed to Sebastian and Mackie, who were standing together and talking while they waited for me, trying to look inconspicuous and failing.

"Yup. That's them - Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie."

"Sebastian and Anthony," she repeated. "If you'll wait here, Chris, I'll go get them so they can come back with us. The waiting room is quite full and Miss Jones was very insistent that you not be seen here if possible."

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