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November 2018
Megan's POV

The babies had decided they were up for the day and it felt like they were doing gymnastics in there. I couldn't get comfortable enough to fall back asleep with them being so active, so I just laid beside Chris while he slept, his arm around me and our limbs entangled. I moved Chris' hand so it was on my belly, smiling when one of them kicked his hand, the movement startling him awake.

"They're really moving today," he said in that sexy morning voice I never got tired of hearing. He shifted so both hands were on my belly, a beatific smile on his handsome face. These were the kind of moments that made this all worth it, I decided.

I whimpered as one of the babies kicked me hard - right in the ribs. I quickly arched my back - it was the only way to keep them from doing it repetitively.

"You okay, baby?" Chris asked, putting his hand over mine and applying pressure for me. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love him more, he'd do something to prove me wrong. "They got you in the ribs again, didn't they?"

I nodded, unable to speak as I worked on catching my breath, sharp pain stabbing me with each breath I took. I knew it wasn't their fault they were running out of room in there. Earlier in the week one of them had managed to turn enough so that every time it kicked, it was directly to my ribs. After a couple pretty strong ones, I hadn't been able to catch my breath, so Chris - in full on panic mode - had dragged me in to the nearest ER to see what was wrong.

Turns out babies can actually break bones - the doctor said they'd cracked a couple of my ribs, but unfortunately there was nothing we could do about it other than icing and wrapping. Chris bought me some kinesio tape, which helped, don't get me wrong - but it still hurt like hell when the baby hit that spot hard.

"I don't...know if...I can do this...much longer," I panted, tears spilling over my cheeks. "It hurts, Chris. It hurts!"

"You can do this, baby," Chris assured me as he shifted so I could lay back against his chest, reclining me enough to keep the babies away from my ribs. His large hands started stroking my belly with soothing circles that seemed to calm the babies while I kept the right amount of pressure on my ribs to get the pain to fade to a dull ache. I felt him kissing the top of my head. "I know you can do this for a little longer. Just think - it's only a month until Christmas."

"That's a long time," I sniffed. "I'm not going to make it that long - I'm already huge. I'm like a beached whale!"

"You're not that huge - and it's only like 30 days away. Wait until you see what I got you for Christmas this year - you're gonna love it."

"What'd you get me?" I asked, distracted.

"Can't tell you - that'll spoil the surprise." I tipped my head back in time to see his little smirk. He knew how I felt about surprises. "You're gonna love it," he promised, peppering my face with kisses.

*        *        *

December 27th, 2018
Chris' POV

Looking around, I could see that the house was spotless, laundry all done and put away. The bedroom we'd converted into the nursery had been ready for a while now. We had two cribs in there, but they'd probably stay in the same one together while they were still so little. We had plenty of tiny little diapers and a fair amount of bottles.

"I think I've got everything packed now," Megan said as I walked into the bedroom. "You've got both the car seats installed, right?"

For Christmas, I'd gotten my wife a brand new Lexus LX four door SUV with all the bells and whistles since my car didn't fit two carseats safely. I was still being sponsored by Lexus and we were going to be part of an upcoming commercial for them after the babies were born.

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