Megan's POV
"So how was acting?" Anthony asked me while we made our way to where the food was set up.
"Tougher than I thought," I groaned. "You guys make it look so easy."
"That's cuz we're awesome!" Sebastian put in, looking back at me. "You know how much time we spend on rehearsals, training, and learning lines. Our performances wouldn't be the same if we didn't put the work in to make it great."
"Did they even give you a script or did they just tell you shake your ass?" Anthony asked, bumping hips with me and then quickly grabbing me before I fell, having hit me harder than I was prepared for. "Sorry, kid. You're like a freaking feather or something."
"I'm like half your size! I wasn't expecting you to do that!" I laughed. This wasn't the first time he'd done something like that and it wouldn't be the last. "You've gotta have an ass worth shaking to do that, Choclatino - and I don't. Beyoncé - now she's got an ass worth shaking."
"No argument there," he agreed.
"Didn't think there would be. As for script - they didn't have one. I got walked through the choreography a couple times; does that count?"
"That's it?" Sadie asked, shaking her head. "Wow - either you learn fast or you're just that good."
"The choreography was a lot like one of my high school dance team routines, so that helped and the song was really catchy. It's going to be stuck in my head for a while now, so you better get used to hearing it."
"So when are we going to see your official acting debut?" Chris asked, finally speaking to me.
My eyes flashed to his stormy blue ones before looking away. I didn't know what his problem was now but I'd had it with his mood swings. Yesterday had been almost perfect - no arguments, no stupid shit, nothing - and I'd hoped that it would last longer than one day, but it hadn't.
"Umm, in a week and a half when the song is officially released," I said, trying to read his mood. "Most of the rest of the video was done already with Allison – they just needed these final bits to finish it off and they couldn't get ahold of her."
"So what was your twin like?" Sebastian asked, handing me a plate.
"She's two years younger than me and she's British. She's a model and actress and I've never heard of her before but she's a big deal over the pond. I wonder if the Toms know her - I'll have to ask them later. She met Shawn at some event a while back and was in one of his other videos, so she was the first one he thought of when they gave him the green light for this one."
"Shawn seems like a nice kid," Sadie remarked. "Very polite."
"He's Canadian."
She snorted. "Well, that explains it then. I've never met an impolite Canadian, have you?"
"Nope – unless you're watching hockey - maybe not even then."
* *
"So you going to tell me why you were pissed at me earlier or are we just gonna pretend it never happened?" I asked Chris as we walked back to the set after lunch. Everyone else had left us behind, having decided to make us work it out.
"I vote for option 2."
"Chris," I groaned. "Tell me."
He looked away from me, his jaw firm and a muscle in his cheek ticking. "So I saw some pictures on your phone of you... with Shawn."
Well, that wasn't what I was expecting to hear, but it was an explanation of sorts. I didn't like the not-so-subtle jealous vibe I was picking up from him again. This needed to end because he had no reason to be jealous when we were only friends.

Not Without You [Chris Evans]
RomanceLove isn't finding someone you can live with; it's finding someone you can't live without. ***This book will be archived after Finding Forever is completely back up again because that means this book will have been integrated into Finding Forever. *...