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Megan's POV

When my phone rang for what seemed like the 20th time in ten minutes - all of them Andy - I knew I should answer it if only to get him to stop calling. There was a small chance it was actually important, but I doubted it. Andy didn't like it when I went out without him and tended to call and text a lot on the rare occasion I did have a girls night.

"Hold on, I'm going outside so I can hear you," I said to Andy as I wove my way through the dance floor, heading to a side door I'd noticed earlier and pushing it open. "Can you hear me now Andy?"

Andy answered right away with a cheerful and slurred, "Yeah - now I can, Meggy!"

I sighed, knowing right then that he wasn't sober. "Is something wrong? Why have you called so many times?"

"I kep' tryin' to call ya but ya din' answer. Where are you?"

I sighed heavily. "I'm out with Sadie and the girls."

"Why's ya talkin' funny? Ya sound all fancy and shit."

"I'm trying to win a bet. Are you drunk or high?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose. My guess was both for how he sounded, which he confirmed a moment later.

"Both. You drunk, Meggy?"

"Not yet," I said through gritted teeth. I wished I was if I was going to have to talk to him when he wasn't sober. "And stop calling me Meggy. You know I don't particularly care for that nickname."

"I saw them pix, Meggy."

"So? There's nothing wrong with me hanging out with people other than you."

"But them guys is all over ya - 'specially the one ya danced with. Which one is he? I'm gonna beat him for touchin' ya. You're my girl."

"You can't do that Andy," I reminded him. "They'll put you in jail if you go trying to punch people again - especially famous people. Yes, the rest of the team is here now too and I danced with them. Doesn't mean anything, we were just having a good time. There's no reason I can't have fun out dancing with them."

I was going to need those shots yet to keep my patience with him yet. I tried to stop myself from thinking about how many people were liking and sharing the video of me and Chris dancing - it'd already hit over 300,000 likes. Lizzie had tagged the whole team in it, so anyone who followed them would see it pop up on their walls as well.

"They don't gotta be touchin' ya. Yer my girl - not theirs!" Andy said sullenly. "When ya comin' home tonight? We're all hangin' out at our place. Come home 'n join us."

"I'm not coming home tonight," I said, knowing full well if they were hanging out at our apartment, it was going to reek of pot smoke for days. My temper went straight to boiling point; thanks to my inconsiderate boyfriend, I was now going to have to wash all my clothes again just to get the fucking smell out of them so I didn't smell like a stoner.

"Why not Meggy?" Andy whined. "I wan' ya to come home."

Because I really don't want to hang out with your loser pot smoking buddies, is what I really wanted to say but I didn't, instead trying to cut the conversation short. "Andy, I have to go. Sadie's waiting for me inside."

"You ain' comin' home tonight?"

I was losing patience with him fast; he didn't retain information well when he was this drunk and stoned. "I thought we talked about this earlier, Andy? I told you I'm staying at Sadie's tonight. We won't be in until late and you hate it when I wake you up after I've been out with the girls."

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