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Megan's POV

I was a little confused when I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to find myself tucked in a bed still in my clothes from the night before. It took me a little bit to remember where I was: Sebastian's apartment.

I sat up, looking for my phone before realizing it was probably still in the living room. I wondered if Tom had put me to bed or if Sebastian had when he got home since I was pretty sure I'd fallen asleep during the second movie. I felt a little bad for missing out on the rest of the movie; it had been really good. Darcy Lewis was my new favorite character, which had amused Tom to no end.

I got out of bed, opening the door and going out into the living room. I turned on the light and after a brief search found my phone. I picked up the slips of paper from my fortune cookies as well, wanting to keep them. We'd laughed so hard at them; Tom had never heard of putting the phrase 'in bed' after a fortune when reading it out loud, so maybe that was just an American thing.

I assumed Sebastian was home – his suit jacket was draped over the back of the couch. I turned the light off on my way back to my room, checking my messages because I saw I had a bunch of texts even though it was 2 am. Most of them were drunk texts from my friends asking where I was and why I wasn't at the party they'd wanted me to come to. I only shook my head as I quickly replied telling them I was staying in tonight and had fallen asleep watching a movie.

I also had a short, sweet text from Tom, which made me smile. He was easily the nicest person I'd ever met - not at all what I'd expected after seeing Avengers. If it hadn't been so late I'd reply to him, but I was sure he'd be asleep by now.

Thanks for a
wonderful evening,
Megan. I'll ring you
in the morning.

I stripped out of my clothes, putting on a comfortable nightie before I climbed back in bed. I'd really enjoyed hanging out with Tom tonight. He was so easy to talk to – and so nice – the opposite of Andy in almost every way, now that I thought about it.

* *

I was up bright and early the next morning and made waffles for breakfast since I'd found a waffle iron yesterday when I'd been poking through cupboards looking for that vase. My mom called while I was cooking and I knew that if she was calling this early she really wanted to talk to me.

"Hey Mom. How are you?"

Good, baby. Why didn't you tell me you were moving?

"It was kind of sudden. Andy was cheating on me so I broke up him."

That jerk! How dare he screw around on you?

I decided that was a rhetorical question because I had no intention of answering it. "Anyways, I needed to move out as soon as possible and Sadie's friend offered me the guest room. We leave for South Dakota on Thursday and after I see where Sadie lives and meet her boys I was planning on coming home for a couple days until I have to meet her in LA."

That would be great, honey. What day are you coming so we can meet you at the airport? We haven't seen you in months! You really need to try to get home more often.

It turned out that the twins had shown Mom my Instagram posts and she had a thousand questions for me. I avoided saying my roommate was a guy – she hadn't wanted me to live with Andy either – my parents were a little old fashioned where I was concerned. I told her all about my new job and that I really liked it.

Sebastian tousled my hair when he came into the kitchen sometime in the middle of that conversation.

"Baz – knock it off!" I swatted at him ineffectually with the spatula. "Leave my hair alone."

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