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Sebastian's POV

I heard an annoying beeping over the conversations going on around me while I tried to pry open my eyes. I stared blearily up at an institutional looking white ceiling and white walls before closing my eyes again.

It was brighter the second time I opened my eyes and managed to look around. Scratchy sheets, uncomfortable elevated bed; I was in a hospital somewhere I determined before it was too hard to keep my eyes open. I was vaguely aware of Chris talking to an unfamiliar female - my nurse, maybe?

The third time I opened my eyes I managed to keep them open for longer than a glance. Bits and pieces were coming to me as I laid there, trying to remember what happened and why I was here. I moved my fingers and toes, relieved when I could feel them moving. Someone was holding my hand and I turned my head to see who it was.

"Hey doll," I croaked, coughing and clearing my throat as I made my eyes focus on the beautiful brunette sitting next to my bed. She reached over and stroked my face lightly, her golden brown eyes staring into mine.

"Sebastian?" she whispered. "Are you really awake this time?"

"Sure," I said, my eyes struggling to stay open.

"How're you feeling?"

"Like shit," I groaned, tugging lightly at her hand. "Come'er, Sadie."

She smiled, leaning down and kissing me gently, her lips warm and tasting of coffee. I didn't usually imagine tastes, so this must be real. I slid my hand behind the nape of her neck, pulling her closer to me. I needed to hold her right now for my own peace of mind.

"Come up here, doll," I whispered against her lips. "Wanna hold you."

"Okay," she said with a wobbly smile, agreeing faster than I thought she would.

She carefully climbed onto the bed, stretching out beside me. I felt so weak as I pulled her close, my muscles not cooperating yet. She buried her face in my neck, one hand on the side of my face and I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes, just breathing in her calming scent and feeling her warm breath on my neck.

I must've fallen back asleep again because when I opened my eyes, Sadie wasn't there but my mom and stepdad were in chairs beside my bed, talking quietly.

"Sebastian?" my mom asked when she noticed I was awake.

"Mama?" She started speaking rapid Romanian, but I held up one hand to stop her. "<English, Mama - and slower, please,>" I replied in kind. "My head hurts too much to think."

*    *  *

Chris' POV

It was good to see Sebastian's eyes open again for longer than a minute or two. I had my back against the wall with Sadie in front of me and we were out of Seb's line of sight. She leaned her head on my chest as he talked to his parents and I could tell she was crying again.

I put one finger under her chin to get her to look up at me. I slowly wiped her cheeks with one hand before pulling her tight, murmuring in her ear. "Don't cry, doll. He's gonna be okay now."

"I can't help it," she said in a low ragged voice. "I was so afraid he wasn't going to wake up."

"I know; we all were. Do you want me to go get the boys and Megan from the waiting room?"

She looked over at him for a moment. "Yeah, I think he's going to stay awake this time. Is Megan still afraid he's going to be mad at her?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "I told her he won't be but she doesn't believe me."

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