Megan's POV
I circulated with Tom at the after party for a while, sipping wine while meeting his friends and talking to other celebrities. Tom and I danced to a couple songs when the dance floor started filling up before Chris Hemsworth appeared beside me, startled me into stepping back into Tom's embrace. Elsa was with him and she touched my arm understandingly.
"It's all right," she said with a shrug. "He does that to me sometimes too. Big man, small woman."
"I'm sorry, Chris - you just startled me," I explained, feeling my cheeks flush.
"Are you all right, darling?" Tom asked as he rubbed my arms gently. "He asked me earlier if he could dance with you since he missed out in New York."
"Yeah," I said to Tom. "It's fine - I just didn't see him coming until he was right there." Tom nodded and held his hand out to Elsa for the dance, leaving me with Chris.
"I apologize for startling you, Megan. Are you enjoying yourself this evening?" he asked, taking my hand in his huge one. He had even larger hands than Tom and Chris. I set my other hand on his arm, not even attempting to reach for his shoulder as we started moving to the music. I followed his lead, pleasantly surprised that such a large man was so light on his feet; he was a really good dancer, too.
"It's okay, Chris; I just didn't see you. I am - this is really different than I thought it would be. Congratulations on your movie – it wasn't what I expected after seeing the last ones but it was still really good."
He smiled, showing his laugh lines. "Thank you, Megan. I see why Tom is so smitten with you; you really are an enchanting creature."
I was uncomfortable with the direction this was leading, so I changed the subject. "Your wife has decided my nickname is la sirenita, which literally translates to 'little mermaid' in English." I smiled as I said it, letting him know I wasn't upset about it. It was one thing to be called Ariel, quite another to be la sirenita - that at least was a compliment coming from Elsa.
He laughed loudly at this and smiled broadly. "That doesn't surprise me in the least. Elsa was pleased that I'd arranged everything for our date."
"After she reminded you your sons don't do well with change?" I teased, patting his huge arm.
His grin turned slightly sheepish. "Yes, there is that. Perhaps you might come over earlier to give them a chance to get used to you?"
"Sounds good to me. I'll text you later in the week so you can let me know your address and what time to be there Friday if I don't see you on set."
"Thanks, Megan," Chris said with a small nod. He surrendered me to Sebastian as the song ended.
"Any time," I said as his wife reclaimed him.
"I was going to offer you a glass of wine but Elsa took it instead," Sebastian said, looking bemused as the Hemsworths danced away. "You want to dance or just walk around?"
I only laughed at his expression. "Thanks anyway, Baz. Can we go out on the balcony? I want to see what's outside and get a little fresh air."
"Sure, Roşu," he said, offering his arm. "Are you having a good time?"
"It's different. I feel like I'm on display and everyone's waiting for me to fall on my face."
"Well, that's because they are," Sebastian said, snagging a couple champagne flutes for us from a passing waiter.
I smacked his arm lightly before taking mine. "Baz - why'd you tell me that? Now it's gonna happen!"
"Nah, kid. You worry too much. So tell me Roşu – "

Not Without You [Chris Evans]
RomanceLove isn't finding someone you can live with; it's finding someone you can't live without. ***This book will be archived after Finding Forever is completely back up again because that means this book will have been integrated into Finding Forever. *...