October 2018
Chris' POVI smiled when I read the grumpy text Megan sent me. It wasn't funny - but it was.
Sadie said I have
to apologize.I couldn't help but notice it wasn't an actual apology, though. It wasn't my fault she'd had a crazy dream. I'd woken up this morning to a pillow in the face and an extremely pissed off pregnant wife that for some reason believed that I'd cheated on her when I'd done no such thing.
She'd actually been so mad she'd shoved me out of our house and locked the goddamn door. Good thing the garage wasn't that cold yet - it was only the end of October and it had been unseasonably warm lately for LA - and I'd managed to grab my phone on the way out.
Megan you know I didn't
actually do anything!I thought you did.
It felt real.
There were tabloid
articles and pictures
and everything!It wasn't real!
I would NEVER cheat
on you! Never!I know.
Can I come home now?
Then unlock the door.
I'm in the garage.While I waited for Megan to unlock the door, I made a mental note to have a touchpad installed on this door and the one in LA just in case this somehow happened again - and to call Sadie later today and thank her for talking sense into my wife this morning. I'd already texted Josh so he could arrange to send her some flowers.
I heard the snick of the lock and opened the door, gathering Megan into my arms to kiss her soundly, kicking the door shut behind me.
"I'm sorry I overreacted," she said between kisses. "You don't even like Kim Kardashian."
I chuckled against her lips. I'd wondered who I was supposedly cheating on her with - and that was the most unlikely choice ever. "No, I don't, baby. I love you - even if these babies make you act a little crazy sometimes. This isn't the first time you've beaten me with a pillow." For example, last week she'd dreamed there was a giant spider attacking her and had freaked us both out, waking me from a sound sleep.
"That spider was real," she said, putting her arms around my waist and leaning into me. "You saw where it bit me."
I rubbed her back lightly. "I know it was - but the huge ass spider in your dream wasn't. But why Kim Kardashian? Of all the people you could've chosen, why her?"
"I have no idea. Because she has a big ass? You are an ass man, honey."
Couldn't deny that - she knew me all too well. I kissed her again and picked her up easily, intending on carrying her back to our bedroom. "Your ass is the only one I'm interested in anymore, so I'm taking your ass back to bed, wife. It's too early in the morning for this kind of discussion."
"It's 6 am."
"And your point is?"
"I'm awake now."
"So am I," I said, laying her down on our bed and capturing her soft pink lips. "But I think...we need...to work...on our communication." I kissed down her neck, finding her sweet spot almost instantly and making her gasp.

Not Without You [Chris Evans]
عاطفيةLove isn't finding someone you can live with; it's finding someone you can't live without. ***This book will be archived after Finding Forever is completely back up again because that means this book will have been integrated into Finding Forever. *...