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Chris' POV

I watched as two more pictures showed up on a separate post that clearly showed Sebastian at least had pants on, preventing another rumor from getting started. I tended to just sleep in my boxers too when it was just me and Sadie but I knew better than to post pictures of me dressed like that. Case in point: Seb's first picture was going viral already.

My mouth went dry when Sebastian posted one of Megan with her long, wild hair loose wearing a knee length nightie holding a glass out to him. I laughed when I saw how it was captioned: Roomie thinks I need house training. I guess I'm NOT supposed to drink from the carton? Who knew?

Megan looked really good like that – an exasperated smile hovering on her lips. From the angle he'd taken the picture, I could see that the marks on her arms were still visible, but not really obvious unless you knew they were there. Megan's bright hair caught the eye and her expression held it.

I stared at the picture until I got a text from Seb.


    Much. Thanks, man.
I didn't want Sadie
to get upset.

She's still sleeping?

No, in the shower
so she hasn't seen
them yet. When are
you coming over?

As soon as Megan's
ready. She just went
to get in the shower
while I finish eating.

At this rate I was going to have to do something about the hard-on I had right now because it was only getting worse thinking about her in the shower after seeing that picture of her in her nightie.

"Have you seen Seb's Insta this morning?" I said, sitting down next to Sadie at the island. She pushed a plate over to me and I leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Thanks for making breakfast, doll."

"You're welcome, and yeah, I was just working my way through my feed. Aww – they look so cute together!" Sadie said when she saw the picture of Megan and Tom. She looked up at me and set a hand on my arm. "I know that's not what you want to hear, but she just got out of a relationship, Chris. She's not going to just jump into another one. When's the last time you had to put some effort into pursuing a girl?"

"Define effort?" I asked, looking over at her.

"I'm going to assume it's been a while, then," she said, rolling her eyes at me. "You're out of practice with being a normal guy."

"But I'm not normal."

"Don't I know it," she said with a snort. "I should have recorded that for future reference." Sadie continued scrolling and smothered a laugh at Sebastian's last post. "House training? Good luck with that, girl."

*          *

"Ready?" I asked Megan, taking her small hands in mine.

Megan hadn't been very happy about the whole situation, but after a short conversation with Sadie in the kitchen she'd been mostly fine - still a little cool towards me - but fine.  I rubbed my thumbs over her knuckles, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and the way she curled her hands into mine.

"Yeah,"  she said, looking over at Sadie briefly before looking back to me. "I'll try to follow your lead but I dance better when I've had a couple drinks."

"Less overthinking that way?"

"Pretty much," she said with a small smile as the music started.

Sadie had picked out a couple songs that would use this style of dancing for us to practice to while we'd waited for them to get here. I smiled as Megan sang along with the first song and put a little attitude into her moves. It was one I'd heard many times because it was one of Isaac's favorites - Cruise by Florida Georgia Line. It was also clearly a favorite of hers, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she had an excellent singing voice.

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