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February 27th | 2:20 A.M.


I cuddled close to him, feeling safe. He came back over after another fight with Avian. I don't mean to be the one to come between a relationship, but it's like he's here for a reason...and I can't resist his presence. I looked up at him, sleeping peacefully. He was so stressed when he got here, but we talked about it and he felt a little better after that. Suddenly a noise interrupted my thoughts. I picked my head up from Chres' chest, trying to hear clearly. Once again I heard it again from downstairs.

"C-Chres?" I whispered. He moved a little, breathing heavily.

"Chres?" I called again, placing my hand on his stomach. He groaned, slowly opening his eyes before looking towards me.

"What love?" He answered, holding onto me.

"I hear something down-" I began before being interrupted by whatever was down there. He looked towards the door then back at me.

"Stay here." He commanded before getting up. I did as told, watching him crack the door open. He stuck his head out before walking out of the room. I sat there in complete silence...waiting for him to come back and tell me that it was only my imagination. Moments later, my thoughts were shot by a loud crash. I jumped out of bed, dashing out of the room. I ran downstairs, following the commotion.

"CHRES!" I yelled over them as they fought each other. Chres slammed Maurice to the floor before giving him a blow to the jaw. He pushed Chres away, striking him in the head.

"STOP IT!" I shouted, but they kept at it! I didn't know what to do...I couldn't stop two men from fighting, I'll end up getting hurt. But I had to do something. Without warning, I got between them, making them both come to a stop.

"STOP IT!" I commanded.

"The fuck are you doing here?" Chres asked Maurice, breathing heavily.

"I should be the one asking you that." Maurice replied.

"You're not wanted here." Said Chres.

"I told you a multiple times to stay away from my girl bruh, keep playing and you're going to end up in a lot of trouble." He threatened.

"Maurice please!" I said in frustration. He stared at me as I shook my head.

"For the hundredth time. I am not your girl. We broke up a long time ago and I told you that we were never getting back together." I explained in anger.

"And I told you that we aren't over. When it's over, I'll be the one to make that decision." He said, grabbing my arm.

"See, now that's where you fucked up bruh." Chresanto stated angrily, walking towards him. I held my hand against his chest in order to stop him.

"Let me handle this Chres." I said calmly. He remained quiet, stepping away. I pulled away from Maurice as he let my arm go.

"You don't make the decisions in my life Maurice. You messed up and I ended it. It's over between us. There is no more us. Stop bothering me or I'm going to call the police." I told him. He said nothing, he only stared. I could tell that he was getting angrier just by the look on his face. Knowing him, he has the ultimate temper.

"Don't! Fuck with me girl." He said through his teeth, putting his hand behind his back. Chres pushed me aside, tackling Maurice to the floor. He punched him repeatedly as I begged him to stop. Maurice flipped them both over, pulling a pocket knife out of his back pocket.

"MAURICE NO!" I screamed as he cut Chres on the arm. He groaned in pain, but continued to fight him off. Maurice cut his arm again as Chres defended himself. I ran over and tried my hardest to pull him away, but he pushed me away. I grabbed the house phone, dialing 911.

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