Watching down

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When life throws you a curve ball you swing and hope to hit it out the park but when it keeps throwing them you just wish that life would just bench you so you can take a break until it calls you up again.
Me...well I've had way to many curve balls in my life that I'm ready to retire the bat but here I am still swinging.
Cristina has been here a whole two weeks and I can already see Derek losing his mind has he's been kicked out of bed so many times I can't count but she'll be gone in a few days after her party. We're throwing Cristina a early birthday bash as she will be back in Europe on her birthday surrounded by her new friends and her new husband Phillip (and of course I had my jokes about the name Phillip but any one that makes Cristina happy makes me happy) we decided to keep the party quiet with just myself, Derek, the kids, Amelia, Alex, Callie, Arizona, Bailey, Ben and since Daniels back from his trip back to Scotland he's invited as well.
Derek and I were setting up the kitchen as the rest sat laughing in the living room as the kids bounced around their aunts and uncles. I stood thinking how blessed I was...yea ok I am still recovering from a brain tumour but it's the people either sitting on my couch or the beautiful man standing behind me that has helped me through it. To be honest I don't know what I would have done if had decided to move to Boston to become a doctor instead of here but then again what's the point when I know that I still would have ended up right here in this kitchen married to an amazing man who supports my every decision and helps me achieve every dream and then I've got my kids who at one point were my dream and now are my world and finally my friends who are amazing in their own right even though Cristina is so far away any time she's not free or is too far away Alex is there to help me with things that she can't and I'm so great full for that.
I stood smiling a little longer when Derek came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"You ok?" He asked holding me tightly
"More than I'll ever be!" I smiled as he planted a kiss on my cheek which was followed by a huge bang and a glitter of light
"Oh yea the peer firework shows tonight and I'm guessing you can see it all from up here from that light" Alex laughed grabbing one of the kids and walking to the door as everyone else followed and we followed them.
As we got outside there were more noises and even more light making everyone smile and the kids to sit in front of us in concentration watching the colours dance in the sky.
I sat in Derek's arms watching as they went up and came down and it made me think of two people that I would have loved to be here, there were more but my Mom and Lexie jumped to mind as I sat there watching my family ain't together watching out on the place we call home. Mom would of course be sitting next to her grandkids giving them hugs and pointing to the smaller fireworks as they were blocked out by the bigger ones and making making some sort of groundbreaking medical quote as she pointed and Lexie would be sitting next to be with her hand on mine watching with us or making some sort of inappropriate joke and we sat. All I know is that there both looking down on this moment both smiling at how happy they are that I've found people that make me happy and that there's something that makes me get up in the morning and that I'm thinking of them still.
"What you thinking about Mer?" Derek asked watching me look up into the sky with tears in my eyes
"Mom and Lex and how lucky I am to have you!" I replied smiling at the thought of them all together
"Well I can tell you that they probably wish they were here with you tonight" he replied wrapping me in a little tighter
"They are I know that and you're here too so that makes me happy" I smiled placing my head back on his shoulder
"Love you Mer"
"I love you too Derek forever and always" I smiled again as I continued watching the lights in the sky surrounded by family...
So that's the end of this story
It's been a long but happy progress but I feel it's time to move on to different things
So I'm bring out three new stories one now, one after Christmas and one after new year
If you have read my "life update" chapter you will know everything about why I one haven't updated in awhile and two what the new ones are about.

Just as a review I am bringing out a Supergirl story which will be my own plot lines about Alex and Maggie. I would have loved to do Kara and Mon-el but I feel Sanvers has more to offer. (Will start in about a week)

The second one is another Greys one but at the moment the story is still being planned as I'm unsure of the route I'm going to take. (After new year so probably same day as the greys premiere)

And the third one is a story I wrote in my final year of high school for an English project during pride month. It's based around one of my friends and is sort of out there to raise awareness as she has had a hard time accepting herself and this helped her along the way. (Should be up around Christmas)

But I hope you all give all three a chance even if you've never watched Supergirl still give it a chance because you never know you might find the story something you could follow because I'm sort of putting my own twist on it so you can follow. And if you read my own one then I hope it changes the way you think about things different even if you relate or no Tim making it more of a life story so people can read it and relate.

Ok I'm going to stop rambling now but one more thing as I'm going on a sort of inspirational kick I'm going to include a quote of the day to the end of each chapter (don't hold me to it as I probably will forget sometimes).

"I don't want my life to imitate art, I want my life to be art" -Carrie Fisher

A x

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