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I was walking up to my office to quickly check over something. That something being to check over Meredith's file I was curious about her information until I ran into Meredith herself.
"Hey I was just about to come and meet you for lunch" I said
"Yea I was just heading down there what about I walk with you" she replied
"Ok then" I said
"Where is Mark, Cristina and Izzie?" I asked
"There all in surgery" she said unwrapping her salad
"So tell me about yourself I'm making it a thing to get to know my attending's or at least the head of departments"
"Well I was born in Seattle in 1978 and I lived there until I was five then I moved to Boston because my mom got a job there and i didn't move back until I started my internship here. My dad left just before I moved to Boston because my mom cheated on my dad with Richard Webber"
"Well sounds like a fantastic family so you have any siblings"
"Well do you know Lexie Grey?"
"Marks girlfriend yes i do what about her"
"She's my half sister" she said taking a bite of her food
"Ok that's not confusing but moving on what does your mom do"
"Well she used to be a doctor but she passed away a few years ago I'll give you three guesses on who she is"
"Ok doctor.......Boston......Alice Grey neurosurgeon?"
"Nope try again"
"Jennifer Grey plastic surgeon"
"Ok then there's only one other big one Ellis Grey?"
"Your mother is Ellis Grey wow why did you go into neurosurgery then why didn't you go into general?" I asked
"Well I don't know I love the brain it's just so fascinating but enough of me tell me about you"
"Well I was born in 1977 in Maine but I moved to New York with Mark to start our internship and that's where I met Addison and we got married in 2000. I have four sisters and my dad died when I was 15 he was shot in front of me and my sister Amelia" I replied
"Oh god Derek I'm so sorry" she said as her phone went off
The message was from Finn
Finn-hey I know I haven't spoke to you since that night but I wanted to tell you something I don't think we should be together anymore I think it's better for us to be apart
I'm sorry.
I felt crushed because I loved him so so much but I felt happy because I liked Derek but the thought of my family no longer being there made me really upset. I got up and walked out eventually running but I could hear Derek calling my name.
"Meredith what's wrong" I said running after her until she got to her office which is right round the corner from mine
"Derek I can't do this anymore" she said collapsing into my arms after I closed the door
"What's wrong"
"Finn ended things with me I can't believe that I was going to try and make it work but of course he never gives anything a chance" she said but just bellow the surface she wanted to be with Derek.
"It's ok Meredith he was dumb for leaving you I can't......." before I could finish my sentence Meredith threw herself onto me
"Meredith I can't I'm sorry maybe one day when your not vulnerable" I said pulling her off me and walking out the door and into my office. What did I do I want to be with her.....
Before any of you get confused I've made Meredith and Derek around the same age just to make it different.
Stay classy

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