12.9K 298 55

June 2, 1980

Dear Lottie,

I should've kissed you today. I should have. But I just couldn't. I know you don't feel the same and it'll ruin our friendship if I did kiss you. What is wrong with me?

You're just..so amazing, I'm still surprised you're my best friend. My father's abuse brings me so much anger I cannot even explain. You're the only person who can fully calm me down. And I love you for that.

Some kid at school gave me something called a cigarette and he told me to light it and smoke it. Which I did, and it felt..good. I felt..alive like you were with me. I can't believe I'm comparing you to a cigarette. I'm sure it'll be my only cigarette because I cannot afford them and if I steal my dad's, he'll be pissed.

I know you'll never read these letters but I'm sure one day I'll give them to you. I know you only like me as a friend and I wanna keep it that way. I guess that's it for this letter. I literally have like nothing else to say currently. I think I've told you everything. I still have no idea how you deal with my weirdness, I'm so awkward.

-with love, lots of it

-Billy x

word count; 222

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