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"It's almost showtime! Places!" someone yelled at them. They were all dressed and they smelled strongly of something that they were spraying on their hair. Richie came up to me with his guitar around his neck, "You can stay here until the end of our show and then we can all go to the bar and get something to eat or something while The Scorpions put on their show. Sounds like a deal?" he smiled at me.

I smiled back and nodded. He pulled me into a hug and I..didn't know what to do. He loosened the hug before I could return it. He smelt like excessive cologne and hairspray.

I saw him as he leapt onto the stage. I glimpsed at Jon and I knew he was staring at us the entire time since he turned his head when I saw. The rest of the guys were adjusting themselves with their instruments. Jon was in the middle, Alec was to his left, Richie to his right, David and Tico were in the back.

I can't thank them enough. They let me stay with them and they treated me like a normal human being. But now that they know about my powers, I felt like I stripped a layer of skin off my body. They now think of me as a..weirdo.

After twenty minutes, the room was filled with crowded screams. So many people were yelling and talking at the same time. It kind of made me feel uncomfortable. Frankie and the lady were right by me, they were talking to each other ignoring me. So I just stood there like a loner.
It suddenly softened down a little and the lights became dim. And the curtain in front of the guys opened. Suddenly it because loud again.

Right at that moment, a door opened noisily. It was a lady, she barged in and she almost sprinted on stage. She had a ton of things in her arms and she looked..rushed. "Frankie, I'm sorry that I'm late, I was behind schedule. Are they starting?" Frankie just nodded and ignored her.

She noticed me and she gave me a smile. "Hi, who are you? I'm Diana Lane." I think she's famous, I don't know. What should I say? "I am..Charlotte, Charlotte..." I scanned around and as if a small lightbulb turned on inside my head. "Jean! Charlotte Jean." Diana nodded with a weird expression on her face.

"Okay, Charlotte Jean

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"Okay, Charlotte Jean. This spot is reserved only for people like Frankie and Cleo and me. Do you have a ticket? I can take you to your seat," I don't know what she meant. "Uh..I-" she grabbed my arm and pulled me slightly.

"She's with us, don't worry about her," Frankie stated. "With you guys or with the boys?" Diana responded a bit harshly now. "With us, just leave her alone okay," he said with a tinge of annoyance. She mouthed an 'okay' and lifted her hands in surrender.
Diana just stood by me the whole time and she cheered and yelled when the boys finished a song. I softly clapped instead. I don't know what the big excitement was.

The boys were finished because the curtains closed and they were heading back to us. I saw Diana run up to Jon and she delivered him a kiss. I didn't know they were together.

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