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Location: Hawkins, Indiana 1978


"Hey, mom?" I asked her. My mom nodded, while reading her catalogue. "Yes?" she responded. She was reading some fashion magazine, not sure what she was reading specifically about. 

"When are we going to Florida?" I questioned, colouring the last leaf in my colouring book. I heard about Florida in school. Some of classmates go there when its cold here because their parents have rich homes there. Mom let out a short laugh, "Honey, you're not going to Florida. Where'd you get that idea?" She didn't look up. 

"You and Dad were talking about it." I frowned. I also heard about them talking about it too. 

"It's just a business trip, nothing special." she flipped the page. A trip is special. It means going away from Hawkins for a bit. I bet it feels nice. 

"But Dad works at a retailer shop and you work at a Radio Shack. Business trips are mostly for people who went to college, and actually, have a good job." I told her softly. She seemed taken aback by what I said. I think I struck a nerve. I immediately felt bad. Well it was true. 

"I went to college, and your father did also. Why would you think that?" She questioned. She was looking at me now. I put down the green crayon I was holding and just looked back at her. 

"I don't know..we would live in a bigger city. I wanna live in New York. Or maybe Washington D.C. You know..live the American Dream." I said to her, looking down at my drawing. I smiled at the thought of having a big house with three dogs and a cat. Billy could live next door to me. We would be best friends for life. 

"The American Dream is not real. And plus, New York is disgusting. Hawkins has always been my home and I planned on staying here ever since I met your dad. You wouldn't have met Billy if you lived in New York. And Washington D.C. is only a place where rich people live. We're not rich." She said truthfully. She was right. I wouldn't have met Billy if I lived somewhere else. I don't know life without him too. 

"Oh.." I grabbed my colouring book and I headed back to my room, halfway there, I stopped and turned to my mom. "Who am I going to stay with while you're in Florida?" I asked. 

"You're big enough to stay alone. I'll give you the key and some money if you need to buy food. We'll only be gone for a week and a half. You can also have Billy over but he can't sleep on your bed. And keep all the windows shut." she said, heading back into her catalogue. She seemed quite annoyed with me. I should stop asking questions. I don't like making my mom mad. Being too curious has gotten me in trouble many times. 

"Okay.." I headed upstairs. I threw my book on the bed and I shut my door. My parents have gone to "business trip" many times, they've left me with many different babysitters. They have never taken me on vacation. I've seen some pictures of New York and it looks like a dream come true. I wanna live there someday. Seems like a dream. I sat in my room with my book clutched to my chest, just wandering in my imagination. How will my life be in 10 years? 

word count; 584

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