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Location; Newcastle, UK
October 8, 1984 (Day 110)

It was the next day and I still was hung up on the whole Billy incident from last night. My eyes were swollen and I had a massive headache. I was in my hotel room, the one I shared with Richie and Jon.

I hadn't talked to Jon since our little argument which was basically me just harshly removing my arm from his grip. He kept banging the door for minutes last night when I locked myself in but soon after he gave up and left.

I avoid any conversation with him. I avoided it with everyone.
Richie and Jon went down to breakfast while I stayed in my bed.

I still don't know why I grew upset. Maybe because I've never seen Billy with another girl beside me? Well we never dated, but I was the only girl he brought to his house and hung out with. I don't know, I felt my heart drop when I saw him with her doing that.

I don't know, it just hurts me deep down, to the point where my emotions took the best of me and I grew angry and melancholy. Maybe at this point, I don't know if I want to stay here with Bon Jovi or go back to Hawkins.


I heard the door open and I ignored it, quickly wiping my eyes. I heard someone skip towards me. "Hey, Charlie!" I heard Frankie's daughter Silvia said. I covered my head with the sheets.
"That's not my name," I whispered.

"Charlotte! Charlotte! Charlotte!" she cheered.
"I'm not leaving until you get out of bed," she said. Silvia was Frankie and Cleo's nine-year-old daughter. I usually never saw her but when I did she would always sit by her mother and she was always quiet. I never heard her say a single word until now.

"Why are you sad?" she said next to me on the bed.
"I don't know," I whispered.

"You have to wake up," she stood up and stole my blanket by grabbing it and throwing it on the ground. I suddenly felt cold hit my skin. I just had an oversized t-shirt. I felt goosebumps all around my legs and arms.

I couldn't stay asleep all day, I had to get up at some point. So I did. I lifted myself off my bed, knowing the hard decision I had to make.


Silvia helped me get changed and get myself ready. She also helped me get the bed ready and all folded. I checked the mirror before I headed out with Silvia to the breakfast room. I stopped in front of the mirror.

I noticed a weird looking style sitting on the side of my hair. I looked at her and asked, "What is this?"

"It's a braid!" she replied.
"A braid? What is that?"

"Here, let me show you," she grabbed a chair and stood on it. She lifted a small strand of hair, "You put it in three pieces and you lift this and over the middle one," she said. I watched in awe how she made a beautiful braid on my hair. She later let me do one on my own since her hair was difficult to braid she said.

We ended up with a ton of braids on my head, she said we can only leave a few on because I will look weird if I had them all in.

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