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Location; London, UK
October 14, 1984 (Day 114)

We were in London for a few days. It seemed as if the whole incident back in Newcastle has disappeared.

I was talking to Eleven about what has been going on here in Europe, the good and part of the bad. She's told me that she feels locked up. She wants to go see this Mike kid but she can't because it's too dangerous for her. I told her that Hawkins was too dangerous for me also.

But I don't want to go back. I don't need to go back. I can just stay here with Bon Jovi and then go back to my mama's.

She noticed my long extensions and I told her they were not real but she said they looked pretty on me. This was the first few times I've seen El with her hair curly. I've never seen her look so healthy and normal.

In the lab, she had the buzzcut and the pale skin showing little to no sun exposure. I received some of that also but she had it worse than me. She was born in the lab. I spent 13 years out of the lab and with a normal family. She told me that she wants to know about her family but she doesn't know how to.

We couldn't talk a lot because I felt my powers grow a little weak after a few minutes, she was able to continue but I couldn't. She was stronger than me with her powers. She was disciplined with them. I mostly hid them and did them for fun or out of terrible anger to my parents. My parents knew about the powers and only Billy and that's about it. If anyone else knew, I would be in terrible trouble. Someone found out and well I received my consequence.

I usually would talk to El around nighttime because our time zones are very far off and she wouldn't be awake in the mornings. The afternoons for me consisted of snacking every hour, following Bon Jovi wherever they went, or mostly exploring the city. The boys would usually buy foreign snacks and so we tried new things and most of them were good but some of them were plain and or too sweet. Some days I would eat them just out of stress and hunger.

El also told me about Halloween coming up, but I was a little confused on what she meant. When she explained to what it was, I knew what she meant after she explained. I used to go trick or treating with Billy all the time. Except for one year he didn't go with me. I went with someone else but I don't remember who.

We spent most of the day out exploring the city and watching Bon Jovi rehearse in the studio, they rehearsed a new song today. When the clock was around 6;00, Jon suggested we go to a nightclub.

I took a hard pass since of what happened last time I entered one. But they promised I would be safe and be around them at all times. So I said yes to join them.

They all ordered drinks and I asked if I could get one. "No, you're underage and I can't let you drink," Jon said. I felt bad now for asking.

"But why not?"
"Because, no," Jon said.

"Well, you're not the boss of me," I said harshly. I grabbed his dark yellow drink and took a large gulp of it. He tried taking it from my hands but I moved my hands further. I end up drinking the entire drink. It made me feel a little tipsy but it feels soothing to my throat.

"Lottie, why did you do that? You can't drink," he said.
"Why not?" I replied.

"Because I don't want you to do this type of stuff, it's not good especially for you. I don't want to bring bad habits when I take you back to Hawkins," he replied.
"When you take me back to Hawkins? I'm not going back. I wanna finish the tour with you guys and then go back to my mama's. I don't want to go back," I said.

"If that's what you really want, I guess it's official," Jon replied. He then proceeded to buy another drink. The first one made me feel a little tipsy so I decided to not drink anymore.


The lamp I recently brought now has a black mark and a huge dent on it. I have no idea why. It might've fallen and my cigarette might've hit the lamp causing the black mark.

I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it. It was that one girl. I forgot her name. We had it a few days ago but I don't remember her name. I never did actually. Crinkly black hair, almost as tall as me, has the face of "my mom is very religious and my dad is also,"

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, not letting her in.
"I wanted to talk...about what happened a few days ago," she said. "Can I come in?" I stepped aside and she walked into my room.

I closed the door and she immediately said, "The lamp! It fell but when I looked away it was back where it was. Did you pick it up? The last time I was here," she asked. I shook my head.

"It must've been a ghost or something. Don't worry about it," I replied.

"But you seem to brush it off like nothing! A ghost? That is not normal!" she raised her voice. I sat on the edge of my bed, with my arms crossed.
"Yeah, it happens sometimes. But it doesn't bother me anymore. The ghost doesn't harm. And it's not like you'll be in this room anymore. We're not dating or anything," I told her.

"What is wrong with you? How can you be this harsh to people?" she said angrily. I shrugged. "I don't know,"

"I shouldn't have gotten with you, and also when you were in the bathroom. I read some of your letters to...Lottie. Because you don't like to keep those hidden," she took out a sheet of paper. My eyes widened. She read my letters.

"Give me that back!" I ripped the sheet off her hands, the sheet ripped in half but I got the bigger half. I looked at it and it was one of the older entries from 1980. No. Those are the ones I wrote where she was around. I didn't care if she had the recent ones, the older ones are the ones I cherished.

"Get out!" I yelled at her. She immediately grew scared. She ran out of the room and left. I sat down on my bed and a few tears crippled out of my eyes.

As the days grew, I longed for her.

word count; 1165

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