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Location: West Hollywood, California


I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen. I saw my dad looking at me like he was going to tell me something. He was seated at the kitchen table.

The lights were dim since it was almost early morning. "Billy.." Dad told me quietly. I let out a small groan. What does he want?

I walked over to him, "What?" I set the glass down and I crossed my bare arms. He looked stressed.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked me. "Uh, no," I answered, aggressively. "Why not? Is it because you need to assist the whore you have upstairs?"

"She's not a whore," I remarked with an eye roll.
"Definitely not what I heard last night."
"Okay, so tell me, or I'll just go away." I started walking away.

"We're moving back to Hawkins," he said. My heart stopped. It felt like time stopped. Anger was rising above me. I can't go back. I turned around, "NO! WE'RE NOT GOING BACK THERE!" I raised my voice. Dad didn't move a single muscle. He knew I was going to have that reaction.

"Why not? Remember when we first came here, you wanted to go back to Hawkins." what he said was true, I wanted to go back and leave. But now, I don't, I can't.

"I just don't want to return. I want to spend my senior year here."

"Well, too late. Susan and I already made our final decision. Max wasn't too fond of the decision either. Don't worry. And you know, you can reunite with old friends." What friends? I never had friends at Hawkins.

"All my friends were little assholes there."

"Man, can't believe you would talk like that about your childhood crush and all those letters you wrote to her.

They're in a box in the garage," he smirked.
"You read my letters, those are personal! And remember what happened to her, who knows what she could be doing. She could be dead." I shrugged. "I didn't read them. From what I heard from the lab is that they no longer have test subjects."

"I really don't care about her. I have better friends now." In matter fact, I did care. I want to go find her. Is she okay? I sure hope she isn't dead. "when are we leaving?" I asked him.

"The end of August," he answered and he stood up and walked away. Well, that's longer than last time.


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It was almost the end of the day and I don't know what to do. I feel this temptation to go find that box of letters. I know I'll fucking cringe at my 14-year-old self. I head to the garage and it took me almost an hour to find that buried box of letters. The box was lightweight, so I took it with me to my room.

I opened it and at that moment it felt like all of my insecurities reappear. Like the mask, I covered myself with all these years, fell off. I saw my old journal and the other filled journal. I saw many other useless things in there like books, magazines, comic books, etc.

My eyes were then distracted by the silver shining necklace that was on the bottom of the box. Her necklace.
I grabbed it carefully and it was still brand new. "Charlotte.." I whispered to myself. I tried my hardest not to shed a tear at this moment.

It was the only thing really had that once was hers.

I unclip it and I wrapped it around my neck in front of my mother's necklace. It felt cold on my bare skin, but it felt..good. I grabbed the finished journal and when I turned the page, a picture fell out. It was a photo of her but the end was ripped off. It's a photo of her and me.

She looked so small

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She looked so small. This photo is more than ten years old.

I skimmed a few journal entries and I mentally cringe at how naive I was. I skimmed the other journal and my last entry was only a couple year ago.

I don't know if I should make another entry. I have so much to tell her.
I decided, fuck it. I grabbed a pen and I started writing a new entry.

(Text like this means it was scribbled out)

Dear Charlotte,

It's been..(quite some time). well four years. (I really miss you) I've been doing alright without you. These past four years have been quite a blur to me. (I remember everything about you) I forgot a lot about you. Having entering high school, you sometimes forget. Dad took me we're going back to Hawkins. (I want to go find you) I don't want to go. I'd rather stay here.

You're 17. Your birthday is on November 22nd. You have brown eyes and brown hair. I opened a box of things that had a few things in it. One of them was your necklace. (I will never take it off, unless if I ever see you again. I'll give it back to you.) It's such a girl necklace.

My love life is a (train wreck) great. I found someone. (But she isn't you.) She was nice and had the nicest ass ever. We only lasted (a week) two years. But currently I've been having flings over. Just to numb the pain a bit.

I don't feel complete. I've never had. I feel lost. Lonely. Isolated. I try to act all tough and rough, but I'm not. I'm weak. (I..need you.)


word count; 944

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