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I finished my meal and something inside me felt good but another part of me wanted to force up my entire meal. I felt..watched. I suddenly feel unsure about coming here with the boys. I turned my head to where I last saw Jon and Diana, they were gone. I looked around and they were no where to be found. Oh no, no no no.

I rose up from the chair and realised that the room was a lot less packed. It was still loud and crazy. But to me, it sounded muffled and void. It was like someone took a pillow and wrapped it around my ears. "Jon?!" I summoned out. "Richie!?" I shouted. "David! Alec! Tico! Where are you?" I witnessed a couple glances from people. None of the boys responded back. I couldn't see any of them. Did they not hear me? Where did they go?

"Richie! Jon!" I rapidly checked around for any signs but it was too difficult since almost everyone here had similar hairstyles and basically everyone resembled the same to me. I wanted to give up and weep. They left me. They forgot about me. 
"Are you looking for someone?" A high voice asked me. I felt a hand grip my forearm and I quickly flinched it away as I turned. It was a woman with another one behind her. They were much taller than me. And they had very similar shades of dark hair with bangs. I couldn't really tell them apart due to the neon lights and dimmed place.


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"Yeah...Jon and Richie and David and Alec and Tico. I don't know where they went." I told them. They nodded to each other. "You mean Bon Jovi? I think I just saw their bus leave a while ago. We're you trying to get an autograph from them?"

"I don't know what that is but they're my..home. I..they left me." I replied. They both gasped quietly. "Do you need a ride? Or a family that can pick you up?" The one behind the other one said. I shook my head. I don't even know where my family is. I think I just lost my home.

"I don't know where to stay," I said.
"You can stay with us, we live around 15 minutes from here, we can let you stay with us. Oh and by the way, I'm Vera and this is Violet," Violet greeted and waved shyly. "Charlotte."
"C'mon let's go!" Vera waved and I followed them. We exited a different way from where the boys and I entered from. We took a couple turns and we found ourselves walking down a long alley. It was also lightly lit. It was also very slippery like it just rained. It also had a bad aroma. It came from one of the big boxes filled with bags that was by us. I'm assuming.

Then one of them placed her arms out and turned signalling us to stop walking. "Okay, let's just take a small break and maybe we can get to know a little bit about you Charlotte. I totally forgot we were also giving our friends a ride as well so we also have to wait for them." Vera said. "Is that okay with you?" she turned to me. "Yeah, I'm okay."

The light hit right where they were and I could now see their faces clearly. "You have the same face." I slightly gasped. Violet let out a giggle, "Yeah, we're twins."
"What's that?"
"A twin is basically another copy of yourself, you're born on the same day and well you look alike," Violet explained.

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