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Location; Hawkins, Indiana
November 6, 1984 (Day 136)

Location; Hawkins, IndianaNovember 6, 1984 (Day 136)

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The cab stopped in front of the Hawkins sign. It was dark, but the city was lit up so there was no problem getting to Billy's house. I remember where it was.
"Is this the stop?" Jon asked confused. The cab driver nodded.

"Oh, are you sure you're going to be okay?" he asked me.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I can protect myself I'm sure," I told him with a smirk.

He nodded, and a smile rose up to his face, along with tears starting to run down his face. He was crying. I lean over and I embrace him in a tight hug. I was going to miss him. I wasn't going to see him for a long time. It hurt, but I know it's for the best. Spending almost five months with them felt like years with them, but I had a wonderful time traveling with them all. It was a beautiful adventure.

But I know, we'll see each other again, I'm sure. We'll stay in contact, hopefully. "It's okay. If you ever need me, I'll always be here in Hawkins. It won't be the last time we see each other," I said. He nodded, "yeah," he whispered.

"Are you guys done?" the cab driver said impatiently.

We rolled our eyes at him. I almost forgot something, I took out the sheet of paper from my jacket, "I'd like for you to have this. It's the song I wrote. You guys can add whatever else lyrics you'd like with it, make the music. This song is for you. I don't need it." I told him. I handed him the folded piece of paper and he opened it up. He smiled, "This is perfect."

"I couldn't think of a song title for it, so I thought you would be able to name it," I said, shrugging.
"It's okay. I think I'll name it...livin' on a prayer," Jon said. "That sounds like a song I would listen to," I said.

"Anyway, I have to go, I hope to see you sometime in the future, hopefully, sooner. I'll miss you," I said softly. I removed my seatbelt and opened the cab door. "I'll miss you more. I'll promise to come visit," he said loudly. I nodded. I closed the door and he waved at me, blowing me a small kiss.

I fake caught it and placed it on my cheek. I watched as the bus drove away.


I was walking, almost in the small town until I heard a small creaking sound from the woods right next to me. I tried ignoring it but it kept getting louder and sounded almost like an animal sound. I turned around to see if anything was following me. There wasn't anything. Or anyone.

I kept walking for a couple of minutes until I felt something latch onto my ankle. My breath hitched. I turned to look and a silver scaley rope wrapped around my ankle. I tried pulling it away, but the grip was rough. I decided to lift my leg and roughly step on it. It made a screeching sound and backed away from me.

I gasped at the sight of what I saw. It was Rainbow. He was right in front of me. Rainbow launched himself onto me and pushed him back. His push was harsh and it knocked me to the ground. I saw him grow into a large, slimy creature. His eyes were black and beady looking, he grew hands almost like a grizzly bear but with skin like a frog. His mouth grew large and wide and small teeth along with big teeth sprouted out of it. I stood up and as he launching himself to me, I ran quickly into the woods. I ran fast and I felt some of my powers become activated.

So, therefore, I was able to run a bit quicker. Not as fast as light, but faster than him. If I even slowed down a bit, he'd be able to catch me. I couldn't look back, it was too frightening to see the type of monster that Rainbow was. I knew he had the capability of killing me. I knew. I wasn't as strong as him, and he had teeth that looked like porcupine spikes.

I saw a tall moving satellite from afar, I knew the location immediately. I was heading to the lab. I had to go there no matter what. I couldn't keep this monster lurking around town, hurting other people. I then noticed I was soon going to run into a metal fence that was around the woods. I quickly jumped high enough and hopped on top of the fence without difficulty.

I ran to the lab and it takes me a bit to remember which room had my mother's sword in it. As I got closer to the doors, I noticed the large amounts of glass shatters, the doors were broken. A few lights were on in the lab and there was no one in the front gate, so I was able to get through.

I have no idea what happened to the lab, it was late and a few cars were parked outside. But to me, it felt dead. Like something went wrong in there. Something bad happened. (P.S; if you're confused; this is right when Will is sent home and so they are all hiding in Will's house waiting for Eleven's return)

I sprint inside and I notice the foul smell of the goo and blood inside since I saw bodies on the floor. It was very difficult to look at. I had to stop tears from rolling down. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. A lot of the doors in the lab were ripped open and the lights were flickering violently or completely dead.

Rainbow was still on my back viciously and I was starting to feel tired, but I wanted to live. I passed a hallway and I noticed one of the rooms was torn down and it looked similar to where I lived for four years. I remember the room that I trained in, was a few doors down. That room was also open and everything inside it was ripped up. But I found the sword against the wall surrounded by glass. I lifted my fist and the glass shattered.

I grabbed the sword, and a large light exploded with my touch. It illuminated the room and I noticed Rainbow screeching and running to a dark corner. I then felt a small light illuminate my body, my clothes no longer felt like a leather jacket and baggy pants. A small metallic body suit was wrapped around me. It was shining gold for a second as I stare down at it with amaze and shock. It was like it melted onto my body, making it fit perfect.

outfit inspiration

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outfit inspiration

The sword felt light under my grip. I also felt a sudden spurge of energy arise like the run to lab almost never happened. I suddenly heard a screeching roar from Rainbow as he lurches himself onto me. I shield myself with the shield and as he comes to me. It sends him back from the amount of power it has.

I raise my sword and I send it flying towards him. It hits him and he screeches loudly almost deafening me. I ran out of the room as fast as I could in order to get away from him. I could hear the loud footsteps from behind me. I run to every corner until I find myself almost running into a wall. I was able to turn around or take another room.

So I turned around and stop. Rainbow finds himself running into my swords and the sword punctures him, instantly making him vanish into thin air. His screech echoes the hallway for a second. The hallway became silent and my sword was shining and my breathing was heavy.

And then for a second, I heard voices. There were multiple footsteps but only one voice was speaking lowly.

word count; 1365
hehe who do you think it is?

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