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Location; Hawkins, Indiana
May 12, 1980
Billy; 14 / Charlotte; 13

Charlotte heard a hard knock on her window. She woke up quickly. She thought it was the wind, but she heard the knock again. There was someone there. She checked the time, it was only 10:32 pm. She got off of her bed and grabbed her pink umbrella. She lifted her umbrella and walk up to her window. She pushed the curtain out of the way and saw that it was Billy.

He gave her a sympathetic smile. She quickly slides up her window and said, "Billy! You scared the sleep out of me!"
She let him in and he said, "I'm sorry, I just needed to get out of that house."
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she asked him worryingly. She closed the window due to the cold air entering quickly. Billy was completely soaking wet, his hair, clothes, everything was wet. 

"No. I'm fine. I also needed help with my homework," he replied, setting down his backpack on the floor. His backpack was also wet. Charlotte grabbed a few towels and handed them to Billy, so he can dry off quicker. Charlotte wasn't able to sleep. She lost her motivational to sleep. She slipped on a sweater and sat on the ground across from Billy. He looked the same from earlier today at school, she noticed. Charlotte turns on her small lamp. The small lamp with stars. 

"I actually only have one math problem I need help on," he said, taking out his math. He handed her the math problem and she read it with squinted eyes. It was a question she also had a hard time with, but she asked the teacher for help. She explained to him how to do it.
"I cannot wait until I graduate high school to leave that house." he sighed. "Well, that's only four years away. And even if you left your dad, where are you going to live?" she asked him. 

"I'll get a job," he replied simply

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"I'll get a job," he replied simply. 
"Yeah, like where?" she asked him with a smirk. She knew him like the back of her hand. 

"I'll work at that Radioshack downtown, oh and if you need a place to stay, you can live with me." Billy said. Charlotte just smiled nervously. 
"No, Billy. After we graduate high school, I want us both to go to college and I don't know, have fun while we're still young. A job like that is not fun. I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life, in Hawkins." she told him. He nodded and said, "But I don't know what I want to be in future." Billy said with a shrug. 

"We still have until the end of high school, that's four years. Don't worry, I still don't know either. And it doesn't matter if we don't know by the end of high school, we still have an entire life in front of us," she grinned. They stayed quiet for a moment. Until she broke the silence. "Okay, is that the only question you needed help with? No others?" 
"Uh, yeah. Thanks, Lottie," he replied. He grabbed the sheets and placed them inside his backpack. 
"Can I stay here for the night?" He asked. 

"But what about your dad? And my parents don't know you're here," she said. Billy didn't care. "I could leave early in the morning before your parents wake up," he suggested. A small smile formed on her lips. 
"Are you sure?" Charlotte asked. 
"I'm positive," he said. He ruffled her hair a bit. 
"No, you're Billy." she giggled. Billy let out a small laugh. 

"Thanks, comeback stealer!" he snarked playfully. 
"I am not!"
"Are too!"
"Are not!"

Billy took the right side of her bed and Charlotte took the left. They kept a pillow in between them for personal space.  Charlotte then turned off the lamp. Charlotte couldn't sleep, and neither could Billy.
"Lottie?" Billy whispered. Charlotte was glad he was awake. 
"Yeah," she said. 
He started humming the Star Wars theme song and Charlotte groaned. "I will push you off the bed if you don't stop!" He knew she wasn't the biggest fan of Star Wars because she didn't understand the movie at all. 

"What? It's your favourite song!" he laughed. "Go to sleep, Yoda."

Billy coughed, "You're Yoda. I'm Darth Vader."

word count; 748

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