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Location; Hawkins, Indiana

I parked on the once lonely street, now a small neighborhood by my house. It was like driving down memory lane. I saw the small orange house I once called home to my right. It looked just the same. Nothing new. The grass had a little fading brown that the other neighbours with their vibrant green grass.

I turned off the engine and hopped off. I immediately opened the trunk and started grabbing my suitcases while my dad checked inside. I saw him from the corner of my eye. He opened the door casually and let out a few a coughs since spider webs were hanging from the porch.

I left my suitcases upright by my trunk and I entered the house. It was just the same as it was since we left. All things left untouched since 1980. The kitchen, living room, dining room, all the same. But they were all mostly covered in dust and it needed just a little clean in order for it to feel like home again.

I went up to my room. My desk, bed, closet, were bare and also the walls. If I sit on the bed, I think a giant ball of allergies will erupt. There was a single handkerchief in my closet. I don't remember leaving it there. But it didn't matter. 

I remember the nights I spent here alone when my dad would go out alone and leave me here alone. I was able to blast my favourite songs and spend hours having alone time. Since my dad would always be up my ass when I was at home. About how to bathroom was always dirty and the dishes weren't cleaned. After all, it was just me and my dad.

Now Susan and Max are going to be living here with us. I guess it won't be as bad as it used to be. But I still do not like Max and I am forced to respect Susan since she is my stepmother. Max is not my sister and will never be.

I opened the window just to let in some fresh air. I heard talking from downstairs that came from my dad and Susan. It seems she isn't very happy with the house she came to. She thought it would clean and decorated already. But it's just an abandoned home we left four years ago.

I shook all the memories from my head and I marched downstairs and outside to get my suitcases.


I gripped the wheel, deciding whether to start the engine or not. I wanted to pass her house today but I know she won't be there. And I also don't remember where she lived. She lived around 5 minutes away from me since Hawkins is a small town. I knew so many ways to get to her house. I sometimes took the long way whenever I needed some time to think things through. I went through Mirkwood for a shorter route but it would always creep me out.

I decided to do it. I turned on my car and drove to her house. I passed the streets and streets and I wasn't able to find her home. It was a little sunny outside so the sun was hitting my eyes barely. It was annoying me a bit.

I finally ended up at her house. It was empty looking. I decided to stay in my car since I was afraid of knocking on the door.

I remember coming to her house late night when the snow was out and it was below zero degrees freezing my ass off. I remember coming early mornings for when I wanted to eat breakfast with her family since my father would wake up drunk and there would hardly be food in the fridge.

I remember it all too well. It was back when I was as innocent as a child. I knew nothing filthy and I was never indulged in sin or any of that. I someday wonder how it would be like if she still grew with me? If nothing bad would have happened. Would she still be my best friend, or something more? Or what if we accidentally grew apart and we stopped talking to each other?

None of those things will happen. I don't know where she is or where she went. I mean she could still be in Hawkins Lab but I have a feeling it's very unlikely now. The whole Hawkins Lab was on the news last year and how they were looking for a little girl and that the head of Hawkins Lab was killed and all. Died from natural causes.

I glanced over at the house to the left. The Byers. I saw their green car which I recognise from years back but also another car which I don't. They still live here.
I hit the gas and drove back home in order to clean up my room and prepare my things.

word count; 835

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